2021-02-18 Meeting notes

2021-02-18 Meeting notes




  • Per distributed agenda

Discussion items

5 MinCall to order and roll callFormer user (Deleted)
  • Quorate
  • Recording!
5 MinApproval of draft minutes of 1/21/2021  meeting (note: meeting scheduled for Feb 4 was cancelled.) Former user (Deleted)
  • Deferred to March 4 meeting. 
10 mins

Noteworthy news and member activities--

  1. See link below to the Better Identity Coalition (Jeremy Grant).  This was a 2-day webinar covering many of the issues we have discussed.  
     Identity, Authentication, and the Road Ahead : ISOC DC : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

2. Note: that Kantara LC has invited WG/DG leaders to join LC meetings. 

3. Jim KraghFIRE WG continues to be looking at possibility of COVID test/vaccine digital certification. 


  1. Discussion of whether Foster is proposing ID credential would be issued by Fed (or maybe State and Fed) governments, vs. making authoritative attribute info available to other public or private CSPs. 

3.  See next agenda item, below. 

10 mins

Update on Jim Kragh's recommendations re: Should HIAWG and Jim's FIRE WG join forces?   
See Jim's letter (attached to distributed Agenda for this meeting) and the link to NIST
NISTIR 8344 (Draft), Ontology for Authentication | CSRC

Jim Kragh RE: NIST doc-- new terms, attempt to standardize and maybe avoid overloaded prior terms. Might indicate important ideas in 800-63-4. 

Former user (Deleted) Reports that LC (Sal specifically) thinks reorganizing/consolidating FIRE and HIA WGs is impractical. We won't pursue this issue for now at least. 

10 minsPer 1/21 HIAWG action items: Readout on WG on national strategy for healthcare ID, possibility of re-introduction of Foster Bill or similar in new Congress.  and presentation from Jim St.Clair on FHIR work on consent. Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)CCI is a parade of vendors presenting their products. GHP (coalition) trying to standardize vaccine credential and establish trust framework and data schema. All private-sector. WHO has another expert panel starting work. Tom JonesTSA working on "Power to the Passenger" proposal. Former user (Deleted)believes WHO will leverage GHP technical work as fastest way forward, especially given IATA participation in GHP.  

5 minsPer 1/21 HIAWG actions items:  feedback to Tom Jones on trust registry draftTom Jones

Tom Jones re-invites comment. 

5 minsBarry: there's a zoo of ID methods; his approach is to say "keep what you are doing, and then cross-map an identifier to currently used identifier. "  

brief discussion . .   Former user (Deleted), reflecting on BIC event, thinks biometrics will remain important in identity, at least in healthcare. 

10 minsNew Business: Never discussed
a. Catherine proposed discussion around sending comments to CARIN, ...Virginia law, raised by Tim Reiniger. See attachment.
b. Participate in new Kantara WG Consent/Receipt 


5 minsAction follow-ups, next meeting date, and adjourn

Next meetings: March 4 and 18


  1.  Tom Jones  To send his personal suggestions on NIST Authentication draft to Martin for relay to Ken Dagg (Unlicensed) (IAWG Chair.)  
  2. Martin Smith (Unlicensed)  To send IAWG response to Australian DTA draft ID framework to Tom Jones, IAWG response due next week. 

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