ULX Teleconference 2011-04-04

ULX Teleconference 2011-04-04


  • Time: 08:00 PT | 11:00 ET | 15:00 UTC/GMT (Time Chart)
  • Skype: +9900827042954214
  • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +1-201-793-9022      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
  • Room Code: 295-4214


1) Roll Call

Voting & Present

  1. Scott Cantor
  2. Benoit
  3. Philippe
  4. John
  5. Keith
  6. RL "Bob"

Non-voting & Present

Non-voting & Not present:

Potentially Voting & Not present:

Quorate meeting?

2) Minutes
3) Review Action Items
  1. Paul & Valeska: document UI design decisions within next 3 weeks
  2. Keith: look into language discovery options and post to list
    1. Keith: I sent an email to Bob Sunday of Canada and others, since Canada and Mikael Linden must have addressed this issue. We're looking pointers, tips or specs on how this is done. I'll report back to the list when I've heard back
    2. Canada uses a purely cookie-based approach (_gc_lang cookie) using common domains. Documented in Appendix A of the profile document. Outside Contributions
    3. Finnish profile provides no explicit guidance provided. Haka network uses preferredLanguage attribute in assertion.
    4. will cast a wider net, do a review of current approaches
4) Demo v5
  • Discussion, next steps
  • Keith:  use Andreas's code and UX instead?  No need to pay for separate mockups if Andreas's work will suffice
  • Andreas posted Feb 23 asking about IPR etc but didn't get an answer
  • AI:  Bob will check with Andreas and Paul on the right path forward
  • Bob:  still think we need a family of mockups reflecting different RP choices:  preferred icons plus search, fixed icon set without search, no preferred icons, etc.  Will write up this idea.
5) JSON Schema
  • Continuing work on Axel's proposed schema?
  • Interest in DiscoJuice schema?  not published yet, not until May apparently
  • Benoit:  role of metadata in the architecture?  see email discussion, re role of ISA
  • S:  "proxy" is an overloaded term
  • Orange folks will suggest detailed use case illustrating their architecture issues
6) Next calls:
  • Next call: Monday April 11 2011