ULX Teleconference 2010-10-25

ULX Teleconference 2010-10-25


  • Time: 08:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 15:00 UTC/GMT | 17:00 CEST (Time Chart)
  • Skype: +9900827042954214
  • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Room Code: 295-4214


1) Roll Call


  1. Scott Cantor
  2. Keith Uber
  3. RL "Bob" Morgan
  4. John Bradley
  5. Philippe Clement

Voting, but not present:

  1. Paul Trevithick
  2. Axel Nennker


  1. Trent Adams
  2. Benoit Bailleux
  3. Gael Gourmelen

Quorate meeting

2) Minutes

Approved the following minutes:

3) Discussion

AI: Keith will post examples of complex UIs with groups/ordering of IdPs
AI: Scott will post followup questions to list re F2F items

Discussion of items from Paris F2F meeting:

scott: can someone explain "additional semantics" items in part 1? browser would be responsible for supplying screentype etc not RP, right? hard to see how this could be in metadata

keith: can't always rely on browser language info, different one might have been used at RP, so want to use that

scott: ok ...

scott: where did values of screenType come from? is there a standard or something? <apparently not>

bob: the proposed fields are for saml metadata?

jb: probably not saml md, some other transmission means

scott: haven't seen proposal yet

scott:  seems like IdP-ISA interaction is protocol-specific not something for ULX as per discussion under "staying out of authn/z flows"

...discussion about various kinds of selectors and their roles...

scott: seems like there is inevitable difference in UI between remote ISA ("just a web site") and a real client

jb: there are different models ...

scott: mozilla seems to be pursuing protocol-based approach; should that influence/determine what ULX does? since we're trying to be non-protocol-dependent? and hoping for more commonality? Is someone willing to do work of getting mozilla and ulx together on this?

jb:  common claim descriptions would be great ...

jb:  some carriers see ISA-based ULX as being more or less
  "standardized RPX"

keith: in my use case RP wants to organize IdPs into groups and do ordering, via selector, eg make cheaper ones more obvious

scott: seems like we need to see these UIs

keith: can try to provide, have some examples of complex UIs

bob: is there a principle of IdP neutrality?

scott:  have seen maps, eg, but that's concrete hard to imagine something generic or what the role of standard would be

scott:  ordering was left out of JSON proposal ...

philippe:  ISA work included use cases where the UI is influenced by both RP's prefs and user prefs, should look back at those

scott:  question is how this is made concrete in UI how much commonality are we proposing?

scott:  will post follow up messages to list on particular items

scott:  LoA of attrs is out of scope for ULX

jb:  if someone came up with attr LoA method, ULX could look at how it could be used in UI

Next Meeting

  • Time: 08:00 PT | 11:00 ET | 16:00 UTC/GMT (Time Chart)
  • Skype: +9900827042954214
  • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Room Code: 295-4214