ULX Teleconference 2011-04-11

ULX Teleconference 2011-04-11


  • Time: 08:00 PT | 11:00 ET | 15:00 UTC/GMT (Time Chart)
  • Skype: +9900827042954214
  • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Room Code: 295-4214


1) Roll Call

Voting & Present (template)

  1. Benoit B.
  2. Keith U.
  3. Paul T.
  4. Scott C.

Quorate meeting?

2) Minutes
3) Review Action Items
  1. Paul & Valeska: document UI design decisions within next 2 weeks
4) Discussion
  • AI: Scott agreed get a link together to describe the Shib approach to the JSON
5) Next calls
  • Next call: Monday April 18 2011