ULX Teleconference 2011-01-10

ULX Teleconference 2011-01-10


  • Time: 08:00 PT | 11:00 ET | 16:00 UTC/GMT | 18:00 CEST (Time Chart)
  • Skype: +9900827042954214
  • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Room Code: 295-4214


1) Roll Call


  1. Scott Cantor
  2. RL "Bob" Morgan
  3. Keith Uber
  4. Paul Trevithick
  5. Benoit Bailleux
  6. John Bradley


  1. Valeska O'Leary

Not present

  1. Philippe Clement
  2. Axel Nennker
  3. Gael Gourmelen
  4. Trent Adams
  5. Bob Pinhero

Quorate meeting (6 of 6)

2) Minutes

Approved the following minutes:

3) Review Valeska's v5 ideas

We had a productive discussion of the v5 mockups. The result was the emergence of a rough consensus on the following set of requirements and that a new set of mockups is needed from Valeska:

(a) The not-first-time popup remains the same as v4
(b) The first-time popup will have a list of 0..N "preferred" IdPs (likely at the top)
  • These will be displayed as icons (with the name as hover text)
  • If no icon is available then the name of the IdP will be used
(c) Non-preferred IdP selection:
If (number-of-accepted-IdPs is less than TBD1) then
  Display all of them as a set of icons
} else if (number-of-accepted-IdPs is less than TBD2) then
  Display all of them by name in a vertical list
} else
  // there is either a large (i.e. more than TBD2) fixed set of acceptable IdPs
  // or there is an unknowably sized set of acceptable IdPs (e.g. the RP supports WebFinger)
  If (RP supports WebFinger AND RP supports a fixed set of acceptable IdPs) then
    Display a text entry widget whose label says
       "type an email address OR the name of an identity provider"
  } else if (RP supports a fixed set of acceptable IdPs) then
    Display a text entry widget whose label says "find your identity provider"
  } else if (RP supports WebFinger) then
    Display a text entry widget whose label says "type an email address"
(d) TBD Values

The following are suggestions only, there were NOT agreed to in the meeting:

  • TBD1 might be 6
  • TBD2 might be 12
  • TBD3 might be 12
(e) More about the text widget
  • This is a widget like Google's latest search box. That is, as you type there is a fixed set of at most TBD3 names of matching IdPs appears. As you continue to type the list of suggestions converges to your choice
  • If the text box supports both WebFinger then until the person types an "@" we assume it is the name of an identity provider and the suggestions are names of identity providers. After they type an @ ... we did not come to a conclusion on this)

Next Meeting

  • Time: 08:00 PT | 11:00 ET | 16:00 UTC/GMT | 18:00 CEST (Time Chart)
  • Skype: +9900827042954214
  • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Room Code: 295-4214