ULX Teleconference 2010-06-14

ULX Teleconference 2010-06-14

ULX Telecon 2010-06-14 (Monday)


  • Time: 11:00-12:00 Eastern
  • Skype: +9900827042954214
  • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
  • Room Code: 295-4214


1) Roll Call
  1. Bob Sunday
  2. Paul Trevithick
  3. Jonas Hogberg (new)
  4. John Bradley
  5. Gael Gourmelen
  6. Benoit Bailleux
  7. Axel Nennker

Quorate meeting

2) Approve Minutes

We approved minutes of last week's meeting:

3) (Gael, Benoit) IdP Discovery Discussion

Gael suggested that the next step is to merge the work that has been done from the IdP Selection group into wiki pages here, e.g. the Inputs to the Selection UI wiki page.

Geal also suggested that another next step would be to update IdP Selection roadmap and then share it with this group.

Both of the above could be discussed on next Monday's call

4) Orange/IdP Selection Slides from EIC

Axel said that he'd just come across the (password protected) slides from EIC about Orange's selector and thought it would be nice to have this available on this ULX wiki somewhere.

Gael said that Philippe could make a presentation about this (as he's the project manager).

Axel suggested it would be nice to have a wiki page looking at the differences between the ULX work and the Orange work.