Obsolete Specifications and Auxiliary Documents
Obsolete Specifications and Auxiliary Documents
Obsolete Specifications and Auxiliary Documents
Obsolete specifications and auxiliary documents produced by the Work Group are collected under this page. Some notes on these documents:
- User-Managed Access (UMA) Claim Profiles Framework (latest version, pretty-printed) (most recent IETF I-D, possibly somewhat out of date wrt the KI version)
- Claims 2.0 and Simple Access Authorization Claims (obsoleted by Claim Profiles, itself obsolete)
- Legal Considerations (obsoleted by Binding Obligations)
- Lexicon (obsoleted by the spec itself and Binding Obligations)
- UMA Trust Model (obsoleted by Binding Obligations)
- UMA User Stories (obsoleted by Case Studies)
- OAuth Dynamic Client Registration Protocol (obsoleted by the OAuth WG's own standards-track specification, to which UMA core now refers)
- UMA Resource Registration (obsoleted by the now spun-off OAuth Resource Set Registration spec, itself later promoted to Recommendation status and about to be obsoleted by UMA V2.0)