AMDG Charter

(1) DISCUSSION GROUP NAME (and any acronym or abbreviation of the name): The DG name, acronym and abbreviation must not include trademarks not owned by the Organization, or content that is infringing, harmful, or inappropriate.

Attribute Management Discussion Group (AMDG)


The purpose of this Discussion Group is to: 

  • IDENTIFY: Consensus on a working definition of "Attribute" for purposes of fulfilling further bullets below.
  • IDENTIFY: Kantara Initiative stakeholder requirements regarding Attribute Management.
  • DISCOVER: Attribute Management activities under development both internal and external to Kantara Initiative.
  • GAP ANALYSIS: Attribute Management KI stakeholder requirements compared to work under development (both internal and external to KI)
  • RECOMMEND: scope of work, potential KI adoption of external works, collaboration with external organizations and/or new WG in KI to perform design phase of Attribute Management based on requirements, discovery and gap analysis.

Areas of consideration include Attribute:

  • Assurance
  • Schema
  • Provisioning
  • Binding
  • Privacy (Notice, Choice and Control, Correction/Redress)

Related to the commonality in verticals including:
- Finance, Pharmaceutical, Telecommunications, Jurisdictional, etc

NOTE: The duration of this group is expected to be generally short in nature as the group mission is to discover, analyze for gaps and then make a recommendation. The estimated duration of the DG is approximately 6 months (or further as decided by the AMDG voting Participants.)


Proposed DG Chair subject to confirmation by a vote of the DG Participants.

Sal D’Agostino (ID Machines) 


Anticipated Participants in this DG.


  • Identity Providers
  • Relying Parties / Data Recipients

Related KI Groups:

  • eGovernment WG
  • Identity Assurance WG
  • Privacy and Public Policy WG
  • Federation Interoperability WG
  • Trust Framework Meta-Model WG
  • Telco Identity WG
  • Business Cases for Trusted Federation
  • Information Sharing WG
  • User Managed Access WG

Related External Groups:

  • ANSI 
  • Research and Education Federation (REFEDS)
  • OIX
  • IDABC for Claims

Related works

  • Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM)
  • Service Provisioning Mark-up Language (SPML)
  • Personal Data Store


The Organization approved Intellectual Property Rights Policy to cover any copyright material that may be produced as a result of DG 'Participants' posts to the wiki or email archives.

Kantara Initiative IPR Policy -- Creative Commons


Names, email addresses, and any constituent affiliations of at least the minimum set of proposers required to support forming the DG. At least 3 Participants are required to request formation of a DG.

  1. Helen Hill, HIMSS
  2. Iain Henderson, Mydex
  3. Anna Slomovic, Equifax
  4. Heather Flanagan, Internet2
  5. Sal D’Agostino, IDmachines