WG - Identity Relationship Management

WG - Identity Relationship Management

This WG - Identity Relationship Management operates under the Kantara Initiative IPR Policies - Option Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike

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The work group is proposed as the natural epicenter for Kantara Initiative Identity Relationship Management (IRM) focused projects. Read the full charter.

 Ian Glazer, Laws of Relationships Video

Courtesy of the IRMsummit.com

The Pillars of Identity Relationship Management

  1. CONSUMERS AND THINGS over employees
  2. ADAPTABLE over predictable
  3. TOP LINE REVENUE over operating expense
  4. VELOCITY over process
  1. INTERNET SCALE over enterprise scale
  2. DYNAMIC INTELLIGENCE over static intelligence
  3. BORDERLESS over perimeter
  4. MODULAR over monolithic

Sal D'Agostino

(Sept 2014)




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