2020-12-03 Minutes


Voting Participants: Mark Hapner, Mark King, Richard Wilsher, Den Dagg, Martin Smith

Non participants: Tom Smedighoff. 

Staff: Colin Wallis, Ruth Puente 

Quorum: 3 out of 5. There was quorum.


a.Roll Call
b.Agenda Confirmation
c. Action Item Review: action item list
d. Minutes approval 2020-11-12 DRAFT Minutes
e. Staff reports and updates - November Director's Corner
f. LC reports and updates
g. Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews)

2. Discussion
a. IAWG Leadership Election.
b. Consultation about proposed Australian Digital Identity legislation, see https://haveyoursay.digitalidentity.gov.au/
c. Annual Charter Review - https://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/IAWG/IAWG+Charter
d. Criteria Guidance (Any participant suggestions for adding or enhancing guidance for understanding assessment criteria).

3. Any Other Business

Minutes Approval

2020-11-12 Minutes were approved by motion. Moved: Mark Hapner Seconded: Mark King. Unanimous Approval. 


  • ED walked the group through his November Bog/Corner, which reflects the Members Annual General Meeting that took place on November 30th:  2020: November
  • PImDL DG is progressing well. 
  • Kantara Exemplary Contribution Award - Richard Wilsher received the Award for the IAWG, see https://kantarainitiative.org/kantara-exemplary-contribution-award/
  • UMA WG - It's developing an equivalent of the FAPI profile of OIDC for Open Banking in the UK, in the form of a report; in about 3 months it would become a spec. 

IAWG Leadership Election

Ken Dagg (for the Chair position) wand Martin Smith (for the Vice-Chair position) were nominated by acclamation. 

Consultation about proposed Australian Digital Identity legislation

  • Ken commented that he has participated in an introduction call regarding the Australian government Consultation https://haveyoursay.digitalidentity.gov.au/. It was clarified that the framework is not under review, but they want some legal aspects related to the framework to become law. They are proposing a legislation in relation to liability, litigation, penalties, obligations on RPs, IdPs and other parties involved in their identity ecosystem.
  • Ken will develop a draft and send it as GDoc to the participants of this call.
  • The plan is to review and agree on the comments during the next meeting that will take place on December 10th. The deadline to submit comments is December 18th. 

CO_SAC criteria 

  • Richard presented a proposal to the IAWG regarding a sub-set of CO_SAC, which will be an errata document. He suggested some changes to optimize the criteria. 
  • In the CO_SAC, there are criteria about the Enterprise and Service Maturity; Notices and Subscriber Information/Agreements that address the things that a service should do for subscribers and subjects. But for the component service case, he said that we should have a parallel requirement which states what the component service should do for its user/client. 
  • It should be considered to reword the criteria from the perspective of the service consumer. For instance, having in mind the consumer of a component service e.g. a full service.
  • The group agreed to complete this revision by early January 2021.