2020-10-15 Minutes
2020-10-15 Minutes
Voting participants: Mark Hapner; Martin Smith; Ken Dagg; Mark King
Non-voting participants: Scott Shepherd
Staff: Colin Wallis, Ruth Puente
Quorum: As of 2020-08-13, quorum is 4 of 6. There was quorum
- Roll Call
- Agenda Confirmation
- Action Item Review: action item list
- Minutes approval 2020-10-08 DRAFT Minutes
- Staff reports and updates - Director's Corner
- LC reports and updates
- Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews)
- Review and Comment on Scottish Government digital identity strategy and requirements - See Documents HERE.
- Criteria Guidance (Any participant suggestions for adding or enhancing guidance for understanding assessment criteria).
Any Other Business
Minutes Approval
- Motion: To Approve 2020-10-08 DRAFT Minutes. Moved: Martin Smith; Seconded: Mark King. Unanimous Approval.
Staff reports and updates
- Colin commented that it was published that Mastercard has joined Kantara.
- Answers were submitted to the questions to the UK DCMS.
LC reports and updates
- Ken commented that last meeting he mentioned the mDL discussion group. He extended the invitation to participate. He clarified that tomorrow the meeting will be at 3pm ET.
Review and Comment on Scottish Government digital identity strategy and requirements
Scottish Government digital identity strategy and requirements - Call for Comments
- Martin asked what the relationship is between what the Scottish Government is doing and what the UK is doing.
- Mark K. responded that the position has been that various things are devolved politically, and the Scotts decided that they will have something which was only for services in Scotland; as a result it did not have to work or be compatible with anything else. Separately, the central government department responsible for central governments in England and Wales, decided to provide its own system. The responsibility for the eIDAS interoperability is with the central government in London. In Scotland there is nearly an attempt to provide a public sector solution for a public sector set of issues. The dynamics are certainly different.
- Colin noted that if you read the document, you will see frequent references to UMA, some references to Consent, but not Kantara’s Consent Receipt. Also, there is certainly discussion about assessment and certification, but interestingly they point to a different direction.
- There are fourteen questions in the document.
- Ken clarified that Kantara is not directly involved in any of them.
- It was commented that item 15 provides the opportunity to make the suggestion of having a third party.
- It was pointed out that it would be good to have a drawing of how these various entities relate to one another. It was argued that the document was hard to read.
- It was suggested to start gathering comments and answers in a GDoC.
, multiple selections available,