2020-07-16 Minutes

2020-07-16 Minutes


Voting participants: Ken Dagg, Tom Jones, Mark Hapner, Martin Smith

Non participants: Sarah Chu, Easy Dynamics (representing JJ Harkema), Mark King

Kantara staff: Colin Wallis and Ruth Puente

Quorum: As of 2019-12-19, quorum is 3 of 5. There was quorum



  1. Roll Call
  2. Agenda Confirmation
  3. Action Item Review: action item list
  4. Minutes approval 2020-07-09 Draft Minutes
  5. Staff reports and updates -  Director's Corner and Keeping up with the Kantarians 
  6. LC reports and updates
  7. Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews


a. Comments on 800-63-3 to ultimately lead to Revision 4. 

b. Update on xAL3 Sub-group, which is preparing criteria for 63B at AAL3 and 63C at FAL3. 

3. Any Other Business 

Minutes Approval

2020-07-09 Minutes were approved by motion. Moved: Mark Hapner Seconded: Martin Smith. Unanimous Approval. 


  • Australian (ATO) and New Zealand (DIA) governments renewed their Kantara membership.  
  • Kantara Summer Webinars: 

1)  What does it take to be Approved as NIST 800-63-3 conformant? 2020-07-15; recording and slides available at: https://kantarainitiative.org/download/what-does-it-take-to-be-approved-as-nist-800-63-3-conformant/

2) UMA 21st century health information interoperability + user control will take place on 2020-07-22; recording and slides will be posted here: https://kantarainitiative.org/download/uma-21st-century-health-information-interoperability-user-control/

  • eGov WG was archived. 

Update on xAL3 Sub-group

  • IAL3 was approved by IAWG on 2020-07-09.
  • Sub-group is working on AAL3 and FAL3 criteria and plan to finish at the end of the month. Next steps: send the drafts for IAWG review and approval. 
  • FAL2 is under Public Comment and IPR Review until July 24th.
  • It is estimated that the xAL3s would be ready for assessment by end of September.

Gather comments for revisions to SP 800-63-3 to ultimately lead to Revision 4

  • Ken sent the instructions to IAWG mailing list on how to comment and make suggestions on 800-63-3, including the PDFs with line numbers.
  • He stressed that the commenters should use the following structure to submit comments:

  1. Volume Identifier (All, Overview, A, B or C)
  2. Section Identifier (Number AND Name)
  3. Sub-Section Identifier (Number AND Name)
  4. Line number
  5. Comment: Be as specific as possible. If relevant, provide references to other jurisdictions to justify your comment.
  6. Suggested Revision: Provide suggested text if possible.
  7. Please use the PDFs with line numbers as reference for your comments.
  • Ken will compile all comments into a list for discussion by IAWG. The plan is to schedule two IAWG meetings (July 30th and August 6th) to reach consensus prior to NIST’s August 10th submission deadline.