2020-11-05 Minutes

2020-11-05 Minutes


Voting participants: Mark Hapner; Martin Smith; Ken Dagg; Mark King

Staff: Colin Wallis, Ruth Puente

As of 2020-10-20, quorum is 3 of 5. There was quorum

1. Administration:
a. Roll Call
b. Agenda Confirmation
c. Action Item Review: action item list
d. Minutes approval 2020-10-22 DRAFT Minutes
e. Staff reports and updates - Director's Corner
f. LC reports and updates
g. Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews)

2. Discussion
a. Invite to the Overview of the Foster Bill with Jeremy Grant, Better Identity Coalition on Wednesday November 11th at 1pm EST 
b. Province of Ontario (Canada) TBS Market Consultation for Digital Identity Ecosystem 
c. Criteria Guidance (Any participant suggestions for adding or enhancing guidance for understanding assessment criteria).

3. Any Other Business

Minutes approval

2020-10-22 DRAFT Minutes were approved by motion. Moved: Martin Smith; Seconded: Mark Hapner. Unanimous Approval.

LC Update

• The Mobile Driver’s License Discussion Group has initiated two meetings so far. It was a good briefing; the discussion group will produce an excellent report. Ken said that it is still open the invitation to join the group.
• Ken asked Martin to share about what Health Identity Assurance Working Group has published. Martin said there was a statement reporting the prohibition in relation to how HHS is spending money: "The HIAWG supports the repeal of Section 510 in US Federal law, thus allowing the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to fund research around Digital Identities in Healthcare".

Invite to the Overview of the Foster Bill with Jeremy Grant, Better Identity Coalition on Wednesday November 11th at 1pm EST

• Ken reminded the group that next Wednesday Jeremy Grant will be briefing on the Foster Bill. Ken invited the group to join for questions.
• Ruth will send the invitations to the group.

Province of Ontario (Canada) TBS Market Consultation for Digital Identity Ecosystem

• Ken mentioned the problems of Ontario Canada, they asked for input. It is aligned with and influenced by the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework.
• Ken provided a brief overview of the package.
• Mark K. said it is in many ways similar to the Scottish one, except the Scottish one was on YouTube and this one is saying that the email is confidential. He asked why it cannot be discussed with other people. Ken offered to ask them about it.
• Ken pointed out that they should not just look at successes but look at all other government systems that have been implemented for their timing and scopes and learn from both, successes and those that have not been that successful.
• Martin said that he looked at the document and he has some comments. First, there is one abbreviation that has not been previously defined. Second, when they talk about achieving trust, they are talking about making sure there is a real person in the world. It is not the actual purpose of the framework. He noticed that in their use cases there were government and private use, all of their use cases deal only with government services. 
• Ken asked whether if there are comments regarding business model perspective.
• Martin commented he would say the government is going to have the answers and that is fine, but his opinion is that the government wants to make special provisions for those things and the government needs to pay for those who cannot pay.
• Mark K. argued it is significantly different when it comes to contract. He clarified that you do not get a contract when something is for free.
• Ken expressed he is not sure what the credential is in this.
• Ken asked where they are going to get their credentials, he has no answer to that question.
• Mark K. asked what the Federal Government is going to provide. Ken answered there are two levels of government.
• Ken announced the initial responses will be up at 5pm ET, in GDoc. 

Criteria Guidance

• Ken explained that this is an standing agenda item for implementors to raise issues about the Kantara SACs. He invited the group to send comments or questions on the SACs. He offered explanation or guidance if someone needs it.


• Colin said there are ongoing conversations with GSA. There is much more engagement to be closer with market. GSA is taking great note of the Kantara Trust Registry, in particular the approved CSPs. 
• Colin invited the members to the the Annual General Meeting that will take place on November 30th from 2-3:30pm ET. 

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