2021-05-27 Minutes

2021-05-27 Minutes


Voting Participants: Mark King, Mark Hapner, Ken Dagg, Martin Smith, Richard Wilsher.

Non-voting participants:  Roger Quint, Jimmy Jung, Adam Cooper

Staff: Colin Wallis and Ruth Puente

Quorum: There was quorum.



Roll Call
Agenda Confirmation
Staff reports and updates - May Newsletter
Minutes approval 2021-05-20 DRAFT Minutes

2. Discussion

a. Update on the ToIP Foundation - Good Health Pass
b. Consider necessary changes to subject-focused, component service consumer criteria.
c. RFI re mDL 
d. New NIST/NCCOE project

3. Any Other Business

Minutes Approval

2021-05-20 Minutes were approved by motion. Moved:  Mark Hapner  Seconded:  Mark King.  Unanimous approval. 


ToIP Foundation - Good Health Pass

  • Colin commented that Trust Over IP Foundation has interest in Kantara's expertise on developing service assessment criteria. Furthermore, The Good Health Pass WG https://www.goodhealthpass.org/ is structuring documentation for a trust framework. It was added that one of the contributors is Scott Perry. Kantara members Mastercard, digi.me and Airside would like Kantara to contribute to the development of conformity assessment profiles.
  • IAWG agreed that it would be a good opportunity. Moreover, once there is confirmation of the proposal, a new sub-group would be created to develop the work. 
  • Richard added that Kantara needs to decide whether to be used as a criteria factory alone or have an operational role in the application of the related SAC. 
  • It was said that Kantara's interest is to run/operate international Assurance programs. 
  • It was clarified that Good Health Pass Collaborative would be the scheme owner and Kantara the assessment body. 

Motion: IAWG approves ED pursuing Good Health Pass operationalising an Assurance Program.  Moved: Ken Dagg  Seconded:  Richard Wilsher.  Unanimous Approval. 

RFI re mDL 

Consider necessary changes to subject-focused, component service consumer criteria.

  • Richard continued with the revision of the OP_SAC and CO_SAC.