2021-05-13 Minutes

2021-05-13 Minutes


Voting Participants: Mark King, Mark Hapner,  Ken Dagg, Richard Wilsher.

Non-voting participants: Eric Thompson, Roger Quint

Staff: Colin Wallis and Ruth Puente

Apologies from Martin Smith, Jimmy Jing and Adam Cooper. 

Quorum: There was quorum.


a.Roll Call
b.Agenda Confirmation
c.Minutes Approval 2021-05-06 DRAFT Minutes

a. NIST open discussion issues in light of 800-63 rev.4 
b. UK DCMS May Update Certification Questions & UK Trust Framework Certification Scheme
c. RFI re mDL 

Minutes Approval 

2021-05-06 Minutes were approved by motion. Moved: Mark King. Seconded: Mark Hapner. Unanimous approval.

UK DCMS draft certification documents 

  • Mark K. pointed out that scheme owner and operators are different, and should be explained for further consistency. Richard clarified that under IS17065 it's acceptable to have a scheme owner different to the scheme operator. 
  • Ken added that in the new document they added IS17065 so the recommendation should be soften. 
  • Ken stressed that one week to comment on UK Trust Framework Certification Scheme document is not enough and it will be pointed out to the UK DCMS. 
  • Ken will refine the draft comments and prepare the final to send to Ruth, so she can make the submission to UK DCMS team by Friday at CoB UK time. 

NIST open discussion items 

  • Mark King commented that maybe NIST could follow the eIDAS labels: low, medium, substantial and high.
  • Richard asked to correct the IAL3 row as it should be supervised. 
  • The group agreed to suggest that the new category should be labeled differently from the other levels, labeling could be a challenge to those who have already been approved as meeting the requirements of an existing level.
  • The group agreed on Eric comments. 
  • Ken will provide a final version so Ruth can prepare the inputs in GitHub by Friday at the end of the day. 

Update on RFI about mDL

  • Link to the RFI: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2021-04-19/pdf/2021-07957.pdf 
  • Deadline to provide a response: June 18th
  • Colin commented that Tom Jones shared this link during the last HIAWG meeting https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php/Mobile_Driver%27s_License_Criteria where Tom has started to draft the responses. Tom has clarified to Colin that he has shared and discussed this work with the FIRE WG. 
  • LC prefers that Kantara provides a combined response rather than the WGs submit individual responses. 
  • Colin commented that he is considering the possibility to contract an expert technical writer to combine the answers. 
  • Ken suggested that the most relevant questions for the IAWG would be the Q3 industry standards and Q15 obstacles to acceptance.
  • Roger stressed the relevance of the mDL developments so Kantara should provide as many inputs as possible taking this opportunity for greater visibility. 

Next meeting: 2021-05-20