2021-05-06 Minutes

2021-05-06 Minutes


Voting Participants: Mark King, Mark Hapner, Martin Smith, Ken Dagg, Richard Wilsher. 

Non-voting participants:  Eric Thompson, Roger Quint, Tim Reiniger

Staff: Colin Wallis

Apologies from Adam Cooper 

Quorum: There was quorum.



Roll Call

Agenda Confirmation

Minutes approval 2021-04-29 DRAFT Minutes

2. Discussion 
a. Criteria focused on Component Service Consumer. 
b. UK DCMS draft certification documents 
c. NIST open discussion issues in light of 800-63 rev.4 - IAWG is gathering comments HERE (Deadline: May 15th).
d. RFI re mDL  https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2021-04-19/pdf/2021-07957.pdf (Deadline: June 18th)

Minutes Approval 

2021-04-29 Minutes were approved by motion. Moved:  Mark King Seconded: Martin Smith. Unanimous Approval. 

UK DCMS draft certification documents

NIST open discussion issues in light of 800-63 rev.4

  • The IAWG agreed to finalise the comments next week (May 13th) in order to meet the deadline. 
  • Mark K.commented about the freshness issue related to mDL. He added that freshness in the mDL refers to how recent is the data that was obtained.

RFI re mDL  


Next meeting: 2021-05-13