2023-02-21 Meeting notes

2023-02-21 Meeting notes


Feb 21, 2023


  • @Noreen Whysel

  • @Tom Jones

  • @Catherine Shulten

  • @Tom Sullivan

  • @Jim Kragh

Voting Participants  



Noreen Whysel 

Bev Corwin 

Sal D'Agostino 

Thomas Sullivan 

Catherine Schulten 

Jim StClair 

James Kragh 


Non-Voting Participants  



Simone Alcorn 

Thomas Jones 

Maria Vechino





Jeff Brennan



  • Definition of Vulnerable Populations

 Discussion topics










Definition of Vulnerable Populations


Catherine: vulnerable populations often uses phone or debit card to get healthcare, not always able to verify that the person using the phone or card is the person who is supposed to use it. 

Tom J: People may have a state issued credit or debit card and state issued identity card (needed to receive Medicaid benefits). solution is to have some type of identity attached to the phone. Otherwise, how do people survive? 

 Catherine: Use cases: working poor, couch surfing, overextended visa, runaways, migrant workers. Seeking healthcare. No barrier to getting care, but difficult to share past service/diagnoses with next provider. How might we facilitate an easy method. 

TomJ: United Farm Workers, California. Burner phones that support Bluetooth. Can’t rely on network or cloud. Can we put put something on a phone wallet. Delaware and Rhode Island has a state issued wallet. Wondering if Walmart uses this in California. Catherine will look. Only have pharmacies in CA. Clinics in TX, GA. 

TomJ: Can we work with Walmart and Open Wallet Foundation to come up with a readable ID? 

TomS: Need multiple solutions. Many wallets attach to phone number, but burner phones are not permanent numbers. Could be wireless/Bluetooth. 

Catherine: Phone wallet work when there is physical presence. In cases where you aren’t physically present, can’t rely only on Bluetooth. 

JimK: Networks are already there. Catholic Church in his town provides weekly health services. Lutheran Church provides medical supplies. Churches could be an entry/contact point for services and a partner for piloting wallet technology. TJ: Black Baptist Church. 

Catherine: Walmart SDoH programs work with a community level group, provides personal information to Walmart to provide services (contracted doctor visits, pharmacy, groceries, personal care). No health insurance, but enrolled in Walmart program. Could put the data on their wallet. Could also work with banking. 

TomS: Emergency and maternity/pregnancy. Emergency room = healthcare for uninsured. Required to at least screen people. “Intalla law”  

Catherine: Walmart focus is maternity, diabetics (health, cooking, etc).  

TomS: Ob/gyn or pcp visit: Name, address, next of kin, medical record number. 

Noreen: Good to have connections with potential entry points for these programs to serve as program partners for a wallet pilot. Having interested partner contacts is important for a successful grant/funding application.  

TomS: Does Open Wallet have any connections with the FIDO Foundation? TomJ: No.

JimK: Take a pulse of communities. How to gain trust in vulnerable communities? Catherine: important to take point of view of the patient’s trust of the system, and not get reported to ICE or police. TomS: They don’t want their identity federated. Catherine: they either avoid Care or try to get care fraudulently by either by pretending to be someone or using someone’s (like a family member) account. 

Noreen: potential community partners: pharmacies, churches, public libraries, community colleges, unions/work networks, public libraries, food/work coops, government services (unemployment offices, Medicaid centers, council members, emergency/homeless shelters), Salvation Army, Goodwill. 

JimK: what is fragile identification? TomJ: one that changes a lot. 




Meeting ended



@Noreen Whysel

Vulnerable Populations

  • Working poor

  • Unemployed

  • Immigrant/overextended visa

  • Runaways

  • Migrant workers

  • Uninsured

  • Pregnant women

Use Cases

  • Health Screenings

  • OB/GYN care

  • Nutrition Care/Food

  • Personal Supplies

  • Medication/Medical Supplies

Tech They Have

  • Burner phone

  • Shared phone

  • Library computer

  • May or may not be Bluetooth enabled

Potential Community Partners

  • Pharmacies

  • Churches

  • Public libraries

  • Community colleges

  • Senior/Community Centers/YMHCA

  • Unions/work networks

  • Public libraries

  • Food coops

  • Government services (unemployment offices, Medicaid centers, local district/neighborhood/council offices, emergency/homeless shelters)

  • Charities (Salvation Army, Goodwill)


Recent meetings of interest

@Noreen Whysel

Communicating Health Info (and combatting MISinfo) with Suzanne Kirkendall at the Behavioral Economics NYC Meetup Jan 16.
Meeting Info: https://www.meetup.com/behavioral-economics-nyc/events/291341569/
Recording: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/rec/share/q7x5iV5daMrQ3SaNQ-rWNPCrcwXpgIkCHuDvj1_E36zQAtne3PWOyB3p97wn8-HU.b2CFKaaCNy7_hZP7__;!!Jjn2ZwtPC4Q!dP6j6MvVX3rhoawPMxNhiip_3xMv7pb9s-PTjaR0U4sSkR3Fokbsop3vqxJ1mblPx4TPQUq2mZNurr1-I-OH26U$


Upcoming meetings of interest

@Noreen Whysel

Open Wallet Foundation webinar this Thursday 8amPST/11amEST -- OpenWallet Foundation Launch: The Future of Digital Wallets

 Action items

TomJ to connect Jorge from United Farm Workers to Catherine. Done. 
@Catherine: check if Walmart California stores uses phone wallet ID.
@Catherine: will reach out to United Farm Workers. 


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