We could show them a functional model for authentication/verification
TomS: Medicare and Medicaid considering supplying recipients with mobile phones. Creates a privacy risk. Federal government has a right to access data (?) since they pay 50% of state programs. (Tom J says they may have the right but not the means
Bev: tech reporting requirements may show whether feds have access. Fed doesn’t have access to GIS location data.
Noreen’s notes from NCCoE call
Goal: Enable online reference implementation of mDL
Final Project description will be in a Federal Registry Notice and formal invitation.
Timeline: Project will last one year.
3-6 months: prototype development
6 months: demo available
1-1.5 years: practice guide published
Reference Implementation Sandbox:
There will be a GitHub for development reference implementation.
Will run an online service/sandbox to text mDL remotely.
A participant asked to consider relaxing some of the implementer requirements. Response was to put request in the comments.
CSP can participate
How will hardware devices beyond mobile phones be incorporated (eg stationary kiosks):
Covered in18013-5. Wants to see solutions that implement other devices
As long as it meets mDL security and privacy needs
No plans to document user experience. Out of scope for now.
Expects to put something in the practice guide on their observations of user consent, but no formal evaluation of user friendliness is in scope. Would need another task to focus on UX.
Question about privacy, security
"Technology doesn't solve all privacy issues."
Sal D'Agostino posted the question. It didn't sound like he was satisfied with the answer so maybe he can discuss on the call today.
Equity across demographics
"More and more people are using mobile devices. Enabling user of mDL for different services does provide vital service, place to interact and learn from our project. Wil; try our best to have different varieties of devices, different platforms, different hardware orientations, different expenses, etc."
They do expect different people to use mDL on many different devices.
How is this linked to work in Europe?
A commenter posted: "eIDAS v2 is adopting ISO18013 as well"
Kay Upcoming Presentations
Jim Kragh
Kay is looking for two slides from each WG for her upcoming presentations.
Tom to do a draft for group to review via email.
Action items
Dr. Tom to do a draft a slide for Kate’s presentation for the group to review via email.