2023-11-07 Meeting notes

2023-11-07 Meeting notes


Nov 7, 2023


  • Attending: @Tom Jones Jim Kragh Justin Byrd Isha Chhatwal @Noreen Whysel

  • Regrets: Tom Sullivan Bev Corwin Sal D’Agostino (attempted to join)

Quorum: No


  • Review Digital Identifier Inclusion document

  • Vote to submit draft to LC

 Discussion topics









1:00pm EST

Discuss DII document

@Tom Jones

An All Empowering dID Ecosystem; No One Left Behind 

Tom Jones sent a revised document out last night, inviting comments ---- based on input today, I would like to take a first pass on an acceptance vote, which if approved can be shared as a working draft for the Leadership Counsel later this month for their comments and input.  I am hopeful in our next meeting we will have a final acceptance vote.  We still need to review RIUP Charter and and have elections of WG chairs so we can have a vote near term. 

1:56pm EST

Charter Review

Jim Kragh

Next week we will review the charter

 Action items

Noreen and Tom to do final edits before sharing draft with LC
Jim to share draft with LC


Jim will share a draft with the LC

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