2020-02-20 Meeting notes (ISI)

2020-02-20 Meeting notes (ISI)



Status of Minutes

 proposals for new business

Approved at: 2020-02-20 Meeting notes (ISI)




  • Kate Downing (GPA needed) 
  • Ken Klingenstein


Quorum Status


Participant Roster in process of being updated for the new WG. Quorum requirements to be determined and updated here by Staff as new member sign the GPA 

Participant Roster - As of 2020-02-20 quorum is 6 of 11

(Voting participants are: Yusuf Khan, Jim Pasquale, John Wunderlich, James Ascberger, Andrew Hughes, Mark Lizar, Lisa LeVasseur, Mary Hodder, Oscar Santolalla, Iain Henderson, Sal DAgostino )

Discussion Items





  • Roll call
  • Agenda bashing

Jim P

2020-02-13 Notes by 2020-02-20 Meeting notes (ISI)

  • Quorum achieved

  • Officers selected by acclamation

  • Agenda bashing

    • Reminder about completing the poll for the Roadmap
    • jim pasquale comments that there are two ways to build products. One is to respond to customer requirements/demands. The other and the one that applies to this WG is vision-based. Task now for the leadership is to go to the "Control" destination. Candidate components of that journey are included in the initial list below.
    • John Wunderlich asks what level of formality the group wants for project initiation
    • jim pasquale and Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) suggests using child pages for ideating and creating draft project proposals. Leaving it open for where the actual work gets done, depending on the leader and team.

Tasks arising from agenda

Ken Klingenstein presents Consent-Informed Attribute Release (CAR)  demo

Links to references in the demo forthcoming...(question)

Welcome to the new Group Everyone. jim pasquale reminds us that the focus of the WG is personal information, while identity and information sharing are very much intertwining, other Kantara WG is focused on identity, and when appropriate or require consulting or working in those groups should be the proper procedure.

2020-02-06 Agenda 

With such a small group no business was conducted and rather, after many technical difficulties Jim did a digi.me demo with lots of interest and very good feedback and observations. Including some feedback pertaining to some of the goals of this group, specifically around categories and the need to defining them.

Ken suggested looking at and evaluating as many personal data sharing solutions identifying overlap and other use cases to driving future work.  And the group see Demos as a good path for doing so.  Therefore Ken has agreed to show some pre-release work he's working on the next call.

  • The poll for the Roadmap is now open 



  • A request to begin the official nomination for Chair and Co-Chairs is underway and submitted to Staff after Colin made a verbal conformation on yesterday's CIS call
  • Yesterday was the last official CIS call and Today is the last special ISI call, Next week we will begin meeting at the former CIS Thursday's and Time
  • Discussion around moving the CMS time slot to accommodate ISI project efforts
  • See below edit Reminder iainh1 NA (Unlicensed)John Wunderlich will provide a JLINC demo   March is open for the demo. If you would like to provide the WG with a demo please do so with ample time for members to schedule their time efficiently.
  • We are also going to move the consent journey dashboard to the personal data record project, as per Iain's request. 
  • If anyone would like to see other product demos outside the WG, please bring them up during new business for discussion. jim pasquale personally thinks it is a way to expand the Group's knowledge around Information Sharing, and might also attract new participants to joining the Kantara Initiative. 

Pervious call meeting items

  • A Consensus was reached for the project team person in charge is now "Leader"  PTL (Project Team Leaders position now open)
  • Updates on proposed or possible projects discussed:
    • Information Sharing Sustainability (John)
      • Accountability (John)
      • Intent Casting (Iain)
      • Information Sharing Agreements (John)
      • Health Care Use Cases (Nancy)
      • Common best practices (Jim)
    • Personal Data Use Record (Andrew Hughes)
      • Information Sharing Dashboard (open)
      • Accountability (John)
      • Health Care Use Cases (Nancy)
      • Data in Motion and Data at Rest
      • Common best practices (Jim)
    •  Notice & Consent
      • Consent Receipt v2 (open)
      • Current v1.1
      • Next Release vNext (Mark Lizar)
      • Accountability (John)
      • Purpose of Use Taxonomies (Ken)
      • v.Next framework (GitHub & Mark Lizar)
      • Health Care Use Cases (Nancy)
      • Common best practices (Jim)
    • Purpose of Use Taxonomies (Ken where does it fit? is it all three projects)
    • Consent Evolution Roadmap/Project was requested as a project by Lisa Levasseur, an outline is ready and will be posted as soon as it is submitted
      • Prior to this request, Jim suggested taking the CMS effort and resources around common/best practices and making them part of each project, where the results would be part of the Roadmap. No clear decision was accomplished and the group agreed we need to see Lisa's framework submission before deciding
      • A conversation ensued as to whether the other projects contribute to this effort by the PTLS or does work by the PTL done here flow back to the other projects 
  • Colin mentioned two ways to move forward with Officers, Where:
    • should there only be one person's name submitted a simple quorate meeting can cast either approve or not,
    • otherwise, if there's more than one person nominated Staff will set up and issue an eBallot for voting. 
    • Nominations for officers after being asked by others Jim threw in his hat to continue as Chair. After contacting so has John WunderlichFormer user (Deleted)


Motion to approve prior minutes


MOTION: To approve all and any outstanding meeting minutes requiring approval. 

Moved by: iainh1 NA (Unlicensed)

Second: John Wunderlich

Discussion: None further

Motion: Carried

V. next contributions


In order to close this out Colin Wallis (Unlicensed) as Executive Director is working on declarations for Former user (Deleted)Former user (Deleted), while we still have no response from Former user (Deleted), Mark mentioned he would try contacting her and have a conversation.

The survey indicates not all contributors have agreed to move 1.1 to v.next. It can't be done officially until the time period expires.

jim pasquale recommends that we break out the various sections of work in progress in the minutes by project and/or by issue so that it can be dealt with on a more granular or specific basis, rather than one large section about edits.

This item was reviewed and talked about, one of the chairs will go back into the first child page and re-arrange work items in each of the appropriate projects, editing the instructions page to avoid future confusion.

0 minNews about new implementationsAllNone mentioned
0  minDemo status updateall

iainh1 NA (Unlicensed) and or John Wunderlich are scheduled  for a JLINC demo to the March 5th meeting

Ken should be ready sometime directly after to do the CARS part two demo. 

0 minSpecification update approach

See a flowchart version of this here:


0 minWG Charter operational structureJim


The Group needs more upfront work on vocabulary and terms, please refer to the chat window for details. Perhaps this could be accomplished by each Project team submitting a list of terms and definitions they use. Then match them against other industry terms and standards work terms.

01/24 Election of officers

  • According to Colin, we should see an email opening nominations by close of business COB today. Everyone is invited to run for Chair, Co-Chairs (2), and a desperately needed Secretary position(s)  
  • Anyone wishing to be nominated or nominate a person for either the WG LC or PTL (Project Team Leaders)should be ready to do so at the first official ISI WG Meeting on 1/30


John Wunderlich suggests that WG meetings are for reporting back and coordinating between projects. But this begs the question about how the projects will self-organize to be both effective and transparent. i.e. do projects want project managers, leaders, managers, rapporteurs, contributors, editors, etc.

jim pasquale WG also needs to ensure that the WG is aware of status and can help address issues or roadblocks as they arise. Maybe separate project pages in Confluence as a start. Or a separate Team Leader manager call once a quarter

Nancy Lush (Unlicensed) points out that if the projects are doing most of the work, then the frequency of Work Group Meetings may be reduced.

jim pasquale  Is in complete agreement with Nancy and believes it may only require a Full WG call once a month. as part of the "Demo" 1st monthly call


Upcoming events update

40 minAOB

Next meetingAll

*** Next call 2020-02-27 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time


  • MOTION: To adjourn 
    • Moved: 
    • Second: 
    • Discussion: None
  • Motion carry 

  • jim pasquale to check out creating tasks in Confluence  
  • Former user (Deleted)  upload work on Consent Evolution Roadmap either as a file or a blog for WG review 

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