2020-02-27 Meeting notes (ISI)

2020-02-27 Meeting notes (ISI)



Status of Minutes

 proposals for new business

Approved at: 2020-03-05 Meeting notes (ISI)





Quorum Status: Achieved


Participant Roster in process of being updated for the new WG. Quorum requirements to be determined and updated here by Staff as new member sign the GPA 

Participant Roster - As of 2020-02-20 quorum is 6 of 11

(Voting participants are: Yusuf Khan, Jim Pasquale, John Wunderlich, James Ascberger, Andrew Hughes, Mark Lizar, Lisa LeVasseur, Mary Hodder, Oscar Santolalla, Iain Henderson, Sal DAgostino )

Discussion Items





 15 mins
  • Roll call
  • Agenda bashing

Jim P

Quorum Achieved

Called to order

jim pasquale asks if there are preferences for recording chats. No responses were received so referred to WG leadership for decision.

jim pasquale this is the last meeting of the month, so items are being closed out.

jim pasquale Last open item to be reviewed is Ken's review request to reaching out for solution demos of information sharing. Discussion about how many companies and issues around volume.

  • Candidate organization identified
  • One of the members of WG leadership will reach out to connect and ask for demo, possibly leading to request to join

2 min

Motion to approve prior minutes


MOTION: To approve the last meeting minutes.

Moved by: iainh1 NA (Unlicensed)

Second: Former user (Deleted)

Discussion: None

Motion: Carried

1 minNews about new implementationsAllNone mentioned
1  minDemo status updateall

iainh1 NA (Unlicensed) and or John Wunderlich are scheduled  for a JLINC demo to the March 5th meeting

2020-02-27 Meeting notes (ISI) should be ready sometime directly after to do the CAR (Consent Informed Attribute Release) part two demo. Ken is moving some demo videos to a YouTube channel that will be shared when ready.

2020-02-27 Meeting notes (ISI) provided the following in the chat

0 minSpecification update approach

See a flowchart version of this here:


5 minOrganization of Confluence

Work that is related to each separate project should be entered into child pages beneath the specific project page.

John Wunderlich suggests creating a first level page for Discussion Topics that might be of interest across projects.

Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) re v. Next and Personal Data Use Record - making sure that we have interoperability.

5 minDiscussion on taxonomies

2020-02-27 Meeting notes (ISI) interested in conversations about taxonomies of use and data minimization. Where would that fit?

2020-02-27 Meeting notes (ISI) refers to work on the taxonomy of vocabulary in W3C

Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) raises questions about interoperability and governance frameworks.

5 min

Upcoming events update


MyData Community meeting in mid-March in Amsterdam

See the Kantara Events page: https://kantarainitiative.org/events/

5 minCommon Accord"CommonAccord is an initiative to create global codes of legal transacting by codifying and automating legal documents, including contracts, permits, organizational documents, and consents." http://www.commonaccord.org/ We may want to include elements of common accord in some of our work, but note that it is under an open-source license, so we will be having a discussion about how to include while maintaining this work on the Kantara WG IPR
1 minGPA
Tom raises the point that signing the GPA didn't point to the actual agreement. Leadership will look at this to fix it.

Next meetingAll

*** Next call 2020-03-05 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time


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