2020-09-17 Meeting Minutes ISI WG

2020-09-17 Meeting Minutes ISI WG

Kantara ISI WG Teleconference

Date and Time | Attendees | Apologies | Agenda | Minutes | Next Meeting

Date and Time

  • Date:
  • Time: 10:30 Eastern Time


Participant Roster - As of 2020-02-20 quorum is 6 of 10

(Voting participants are: Andrew Hughes  iainh1 NA (Unlicensed), jim pasquale, John WunderlichKen Klingenstein (Unlicensed), Former user (Deleted)Mark Lizar (Unlicensed), Former user (Deleted)Former user (Deleted), Salvatore D'Agostino, Former user (Deleted) )


  1. Andrew Hughes
  2. jim pasquale
  3. John Wunderlich
  4. Former user (Deleted)
  5. Former user (Deleted)
  6. Former user (Deleted) 
  7. Former user (Deleted)
  8. Ken Klingenstein (Unlicensed)  (late)




  1. Call to Order
  2. ISI Work Group IPR Policy
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of Minutes 2020-09-03 and 2020-09-10
    1. Action Items arising from minutes
  5. Project Updates
    1. AdvCIS
    2. Intentcasting
    3. Personal Data Use Receipt Framework
    4. Privacy-Preserving Information Sharing
  6. Work Group Discussion & Decision Items
    1. Discussion on PDURF - content focused
  1. New Business
  2. Next Meeting:  
  3. Adjournment





Call to OrderRoll Call Quorum 

ISI Work Group IPR Policy

A reminder of IPR policy for the WG
Approval of Agenda

John continues to re-organize the WiKi and pages and is asking project leaders to make regular updates as projects change.

Approval of Minutes

2020-09-03 and 2020-09-10

Discussion: none

Changes: none


Actions arising none

Project Updates (Month-end Updates)

  • AdvCIS

Mark Lizar (Unlicensed)

(Absent removed from voting)

John reiterated the need for project updates. Salvatore D'Agostino mentioned there's much work re-organizing the Project and updating across the project forth-coming as they develop from a draft being circulated.

  • Intentcasting
No new Activity
  • Personal Data Use Receipt Framework
Comments in the meeting to the effect that the wording of "Focal" use cases should be changed to "Illustrative" use cases.

  • Privacy-Preserving Information Sharing
RE-Parked until further notice

WG Discussion

  • Personal Data Use Receipt Framework

Continue discussion from the last meeting. If a one-page report available may be presented.

Role Uses: Separate conceptual operation between data ops and related to it the actual receipt, there are data ops and the creation of the receipt which is why the roles (4) have been defined. See pages four and five in the document.

From the framework, you would specify a profile to meet the needs and not the framework which is the outline of the data model of what needs to be included. Being in the conformance of the profile and not the framework's data model.  

New BusinessAll

John Wunderlich to provide notice of a new DG.

Update status on ISO meeting 27560?

Colin provided an update to on the meeting

  • ISO had no new comments
  • Update on AdvCIS
  • Provide an overview of the PDURF
  • Harsh provided an update speaking to a reference from W3C causing IPR issues 

Andrew: Working Group Five approved the Appendix for CR and needs to a member of the liaison to the ISO group to pick-up the comments, review them within ISI first, and then distribute back. 


Clearly are a lot of navigating issues with members not be able to see, read, edit, comment without being logged in.  Jim and John mentioned once again the use of Atlassian Companion overcoming some of the shortcomings of the technology we are using.

Next meeting


*** Next call 2020-09-24 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time



Moved: Andrew Hughes

Seconded: jim pasquale

Motion carried

Action Items