2020-08-27 Meeting Minutes ISI WG

2020-08-27 Meeting Minutes ISI WG

Kantara ISI WG Teleconference

Date and Time | Attendees | Apologies | Agenda | Minutes | Next Meeting

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday,  
  • Time: 10:30 Eastern Time


Participant Roster - As of 2020-02-20 quorum is 6 of 10

(Voting participants are: Former user (Deleted) , jim pasquale , John Wunderlich , Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) , Former user (Deleted)Former user (Deleted)Former user (Deleted)iainh1 NA (Unlicensed) , Salvatore D'AgostinoKen Klingenstein (Unlicensed) 


  1. iainh1 NA (Unlicensed)
  2. jim pasquale
  3. John Wunderlich
  4. Ken Klingenstein (Unlicensed)
  5. Former user (Deleted)
  6. Mark Lizar (Unlicensed)
  7. Former user (Deleted)
  8. Former user (Deleted)




  1. Call to Order (10:35)
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. ISI WG IPR RestatementTopic 1
  5. Work Group structure and projects
  6. Personal Data Use Receipt Framework
    1. Current Status
    2. Proposed Roadmap
    3. Walkthrough contribution
  7. AOB
  8. Adjournment

Next Meeting:  





Call to order


Call the meeting to order. Note whether quorum achieved.

  • Repeat the call for nominations or self-nominations for a recording secretary.
  • Ask for a volunteer recording secretary for this meeting
  • Asked for objections to recording the meeting. None heard
Approval of AgendaChair

(If quorum achieved)

Moved: jim pasquale

Seconded: iainh1 NA (Unlicensed)


Approval of Minutes 2020-08-13 Meeting notes (ISI)Chair

(If quorum achieved)

Moved: jim pasquale

Seconded: iainh1 NA (Unlicensed)

Note that the last meeting's minutes do not include the bulk of the discussion and the questions about bringing contributions into projects and the workgroup. That is on the agenda for today.


ISI WG IPRChairRestatement of the ISI-WG IPR: Kantara Initiative IPR Policies Version 2.0 – Option Non-Assertion Covenant
WG Structure and projects

Report on current projects and structure of WG. Update by Salvatore D'Agostino and John Wunderlich of recent meetings and discussions related to the Personal Data Use Receipt (PDUR) Contribution, WG participation, wiki structure and updates, and next steps.

Personal Data Use Receipt FrameworkAll

Group Discussion (Personal Data Use Receipt Framework Contribution) including:

  • Current Status: Contribution Received.
    • An objection as raised that the PDUR is in conflict with the Notice and Consent Receipt Work
  • Proposed Roadmap
  • Contribution walkthrough
New BusinessAll


Next meetingAll

*** Next call 2020-09-03 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time


Action Items

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