2020-09-24 Meeting Minutes ISI WG

2020-09-24 Meeting Minutes ISI WG

Kantara ISI WG Teleconference

Date and Time | Attendees | Apologies | Agenda | Minutes | Next Meeting

Date and Time

  • Date:
  • Time: 10:30 Eastern Time


Participant Roster - As of 2020-02-20 quorum is 6 of 11

(Voting participants are: Andrew Hughes  iainh1 NA (Unlicensed), jim pasquale, John WunderlichKen Klingenstein (Unlicensed), Former user (Deleted)Mark Lizar (Unlicensed), Former user (Deleted)Former user (Deleted), Salvatore D'Agostino, Former user (Deleted) )


  1. Andrew Hughes Absent (sick)
  2. iainh1 NA (Unlicensed)
  3. jim pasquale Absent
  4. John Wunderlich
  5. Ken Klingenstein (Unlicensed)
  6. Former user (Deleted)
  7. Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) Absent
  8. Former user (Deleted)
  9. Former user (Deleted) 
  10. Salvatore D'Agostino Absent
  11. Former user (Deleted)


Colin Wallis (Unlicensed)

Former user (Deleted)



  1. Call to Order
  2. ISI Work Group IPR Policy
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of Minutes 2020-09-17
    1. Action Items arising from minutes
  5. Month-end Project Updates
    1. AdvCIS
    2. Intentcasting
    3. Personal Data Use Receipt Framework
    4. Privacy-Preserving Information Sharing
  6. Work Group Discussion & Decision Items
    1. Discussion on PDURF - content focused
    2. Privacy & Identity in mDL ecosystems - new DG Charter proposal
  1. New Business
  2. Next Meeting:  
  3. Adjournment





Call to Order

Check for quorum.

Reminder about attendance policy for voting status.

ISI Work Group IPR Policy

A reminder of IPR policy for the WG
Approval of Agenda


Approval of Minutes





Actions arising: Former user (Deleted) In the PDURF, request to update the focal use cases, needs to be added to the minutes. Change "focal" to "illustrative".

Project Updates (Month-end Updates)

  • AdvCIS
  1. Deliverables
    1. ?
  2. Status: ACTIVE
  3. Issues:
    1. ?
  4. Next Steps:
    1. ?
  • Intentcasting
  1. Deliverables
    1. Report on Intentcasting
  2. Status: INACTIVE
  3. Issues:
    1. Resourcing
  4. Next Steps:
    1. Resume in October
  • Personal Data Use Receipt Framework
  1. Deliverables
    1. ?
  2. Status: ACTIVE
  3. Issues:
    1. Andrew is unwell - no update
  4. Next Steps:
    1. ?
  • Privacy-Preserving Information Sharing
  1. Deliverables
    1. Survey Report
    2. Recommendation Report
  2. Status: INACTIVE
  3. Issues:
    1. Insufficient availability to proceed at this point
  4. Next Steps:
    1. Find a new lead to move the project forward OR
    2. Resume when available

WG Discussion

  • Personal Data Use Receipt Framework

Group discussion on a number of issues (if you are reading this, please email John Wunderlich or make changes to reflect your actual comments:

  • Discussion and background on how the contribution came to to WG through the project. Colin Wallis (Unlicensed) provided some background
  • On content:
    • Former user (Deleted) sees the value of the PDURR but would like to see a profile(s) produced alongside the PDURF
    • Former user (Deleted) is working on comments. Thinks that code should be part of the recommendation(Spec). Also identified that she has spotted gaps in the data schema.
  • Privacy & Identity in mDL ecosystems

Text on the purpose of the proposed DG from the draft charter:

Emerging standards around mobile Drivers Licenses, particularly ISO 18013-5 “Personal identification — ISO-compliant driving license”, raise questions of Identity Proofing and Individual Privacy. In particular, the issuing authorities for mobile Driving Licenses (mDLs) have a legitimate requirement for detailed and deeply personal information about individuals, while many relying parties will only have a legitimate basis for selected subsets of the identity-related data available in an mDL. Similarly, holders of mDLs will appreciate the convenience of having a standard verified credential that can be used in many contexts but will need assurances that their privacy will be protected and that their identity will be secure.

This Discussion Group will engage stakeholders to produce a report intended to enrich and inform the broader community that will create, deploy, administer, and use mobile Driving Licenses. This report will draw on prior Kantara reports and standards, the work of the Secure Technology Alliance and others to create a report that will be used as the basis for the creation of a Kantara Work Group to create and maintain a conformance standard for Privacy and Identity protective implementations of mDLs.

New BusinessAll

Colin Wallis (Unlicensed) Provided a quick briefing on DIACC and PCTF in Canada.

Next meeting


*** Next call 2020-10-01 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time





Motion carried

Action Items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date