2020-11-12 Meeting Minutes ISI WG

2020-11-12 Meeting Minutes ISI WG

Kantara ISI WG Teleconference

Date and Time | Attendees | Apologies | Agenda | Minutes | Next Meeting

Date and Time

  • Date:
  • Time: 10:30 Eastern Time

Approval: 2020-11-19 Meeting Minutes ISI WG


Participant Roster - As of 2020-02-20, the quorum is 6 of 11

(Voting participants are: Andrew Hughes  iainh1 NA (Unlicensed), jim pasquale, John WunderlichKen Klingenstein (Unlicensed), Former user (Deleted)Mark Lizar (Unlicensed), Former user (Deleted)Former user (Deleted), Salvatore D'Agostino, Former user (Deleted) )


  1. jim pasquale  
  2. John Wunderlich
  3. Former user (Deleted)
  4. Salvatore D'Agostino
  5. Mark Lizar (Unlicensed)  (arrived Late)


  1. Colin Wallis (Unlicensed)
  2. Former user (Deleted)


Andrew Hughes

Former user (Deleted)

iainh1 NA (Unlicensed)


  1. Call to order
  2. ISI Work Group IPR Policy
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of Minutes if a quorum

  5. Work Group Discussion & Decision Items
    1. Discussion on PDURF - content focused discussion, continued
    2. Continue to review draft comments in merged v0.2
  6. Announcements: 
  7. New Business

  8. Next Meeting:  
  9. Adjournment





Call to Order

Check for a quorum. Quorum NOT achieved.

Reminder about attendance policy for voting status.

ISI Work Group IPR Policy

A reminder of IPR policy for the WG
Approval of Agenda




Approval of Minutes



Discussion: None

Changes: 10/29 to be amended to reflect Mary's comments


Actions arising: 10/29 meeting notes to be amended

Project Updates (Month-end Updates) (not required this meeting)

  • AdvCIS
  1. Deliverables
    1. ?
  2. Status: INACTIVE
  3. Issues:
    1. ?
  4. Next Steps:
    1. Mark seeks to finish the spec, including interoperability with other specs
    2. And may do so external to this group and possibly Kantara
  • Intentcasting
  1. Deliverables
    1. Report on Intentcasting
  2. Status: INACTIVE
  3. Issues:
    1. Resourcing
  4. Next Steps:
    1. Resume in October
  • Personal Data Use Receipt Framework
  1. Deliverables
    1. PDUR Framework
  2. Status: ACTIVE
  3. Issues:
    1. Draft report comments and review located here - Personal Data Use Receipt Framework Contribution
  4. Next Steps:
    1. ?
  • Privacy-Preserving Information Sharing
  1. Deliverables
    1. Survey Report
    2. Recommendation Report
  2. Status: INACTIVE
  3. Issues:
    1. Insufficient availability to proceed at this point
  4. Next Steps:
    1. Find a new lead to move the project forward OR
    2. Resume when available

WG Discussion

  • Personal Data Use Receipt Framework

jim pasquale Provided an overview

All Continued the walk-through of the PDURF

Group discussion on a number of issues (if you are reading this, please email Former user (Deleted) or make changes to reflect your actual comments:

  • Discussion around the review of comments in V2 of the PDURF and the merge of two external versions (sent over email in the summer & also noted in the comments).
  • Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) made an inquiring about working further in ISI or moving his work somewhere else based on his email inquiry several meeting ago, which were presented by jim pasquale as the formal response as follows:
    • Not possible change IPR midway through the WG activity
    • Also not possible to have a dual-IPR regime in a single WG
    • A new WG can be started with the desired IPR (P&C opt-out to RAND) which would require a significant effort on staff to get approval for work under current IPR to new IPR - very heavy lift.
    • A new IP option would take a business case, community consideration, 45-day public comment, and an all-member ballot - several months.
    • Taking the existing work elsewhere requires an explicit license granted by Kantara.
  • Which were taken meeting notes on 10/15 version 9, and regurgitated here to those still on at the end call.
Announcements All

New BusinessAll

Next meeting


*** Next call 2020-11-19 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time





Motion carried

Action Items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
  • Former user (Deleted) will perform a merge between the DRAFT PDUR Framework versions (John+Mary's comments merged with John+Lisa's comments)

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