2016-02-08 (q) Meeting Notes - MVCR Dev
2016-02-08 (q) Meeting Notes - MVCR Dev
Feb 08, 2016
- Discuss that Kantara is becoming or is already a quasi SDO - notice that we need to update the charter for each effort
- Action: Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) getting more information on SDO status
- Ratifying the purpose of the MVCR specification and rolling it back to a simple receipt of consent - added json fields and the consent receipt generator to appendix
- Created a parking lot appendix for stuff cut but to be done after v1 is completed.
- Agreed to take out the Use Cases from the specification and to add them into another document which was added in GitHub.
- Changed reviewed fields to the optional fields and consolidated this under SHOULD fields into the spec
Questions that came up in the effort
if its a person do they need to have a PII Data controller listed?
- the receipt is assuming that this is for a privacy notice with a company that has privacy compliance requirements. This has been added to the scope.
- we added a bit of text to the scope to cover this
- Feedback from Iain's implementation with CRM-
- Data categories don't work that well because crm systems dont work that well with categories
- 3rd party sharing didn't really make sense
- listing third parties and the data purpose of the third parties
- Data Categories dont work as well as individual attributes would work - this was added as issue in GitHub
- Data Retention Period.
, multiple selections available,