2016-07-07 Meeting Notes - CR Field table review
2016-07-07 Meeting Notes - CR Field table review
Jul 07, 2016
Field Table Review
- Question about the order of UX display - use Iain's list of 18 with names, and ordering?
- Purposes put against categories - reconcile - AGREEMENT: use Oliver's mapping of these from his JSON table - and use Richard Baumont list as well – and put into Supplemental Guidance
- AGREEMENT: use camelCase in JSON fields - to be changed over
- AGREEMENT: use NON-core purpose as the term for secondary purpose - implementation is BOB has to say: here are purposes, and then say whether "core" or "non-core" purpose
- AGREEMENT and work item: match the Field table JSON items to the UX, Modes 1&2 columns and rows
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
Action Items
, multiple selections available,