2016-03-07 Meeting Notes
2016-03-07 Meeting Notes
Mar 07, 2016
- Mark: update on Kantara Changes
- Mark is now BOT Liaison
- Colin Wallis is now the Executive Director
- Kantara is moving from the IEEE umbrella as independant non-profit
- Kantara can also be a nonprofit and an SDO
- Leadership Council Elections Happening
- Mary suggested we could use the format the UXC at IDESG has to finish:
- group agrees on what is needed: agree on a process, make a finite list of things that have to be checked for consistency, schedule the work and then get through it:
make compliant with relevant policy
create a consistent set of definitions or terms either in doc, or as addendum
check spec against any references, systems or resources we determine are critical
schedule these items in each week, cover them regardless who comes to get it finished, document decisions.
- group agrees on what is needed: agree on a process, make a finite list of things that have to be checked for consistency, schedule the work and then get through it:
- Mark suggests schedule for review:
- scope and objective
- table review
- terms
- guidance as we go along and finish
- Knowledge base/appendix
Mark suggest the specification should have:
- Preamble - why a spec is needed
- Objective
- i.e. what a spec should do
- Scope for Fields - the table we have now - needs reviewing and comments
- is for explicit consent
- each field should have guidance for the specific elements:
- for providing a record,
- how to present the record,
- timing for record,
- the format and order of fields and what is in them,
- linking the fields and linking to documents, adding additional elements
- each field should have legal reference or requirement
- Guidance for fields and specification.
- Terms
- list of definitions
- Guidance for Consent
- suggest adding consent guidance documentation for fields and consent receipts/records
- Knowledge Base - (similar appendix)
- purpose categories
- action; Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) to propose refined objectice and scope on list for discussion (as set in email)
, multiple selections available,