2016-08-18 Meeting Notes

2016-08-18 Meeting Notes


Aug 11, 2016



Discussion Items

55 MinutesAlpha TestAll
  • Since this isn't software, use of "Alpha" and "Beta" test is confusing
  • Version 0.8 is an implementers draft
  • The software used to generate consent receipts is out of scope for this project
  • Some disagreement on whether or not a Mode 2 CR without a matching Mode 1 is in conformance with the document

Summary: We need many copies of consent receipts in Mode 1 and Mode 2 to evaluate - to see how they are consistent with or follow the specification. In order to do that we are going to ask members of the workgroup plus a few selected others to create Mode 1 consent receipts using their own or dummy data, but asking them to use the Draft Recommendation as the guide for doing so. We will review these in out meeting two weeks from now. This will accomplish several things (assuming we get more than one or two samples to review and discuss):

  • The amount of consistency between the samples will provide feedback on how clear the draft recommendation is. Download a copy of the draft recommendation here: KI-CR08-DRAFT-Recommendation.doc
  • We will get a number of different examples of what people think that the finished product should look like.
  • The experience may spark thoughts about information or guidance that needs to be added to the spec

Chair's note: I've created a page here for people to upload their sample consent receipts here: Sample Mode 1 Consent Receipts (Human Readable)

Directions for volunteers creating Mode 1 consent receipts

  1. Download and read a copy of the specification
  2. Using the specification as your guide create a Consent Receipt document (we discussed Word on the call, but assume that any standard readable format works as well, including PDF and HTML)
  3. Upload the result to Sample Mode 1 Consent Receipts (Human Readable) preferably by Tuesday, August 30th, as these samples will be the topic for the Thursday call on Sept. 1st and it would be good for everyone to have a chance to review the samples and any comments that come in with them.

Andrew will ask some colleagues who work with these kinds of documents to create some CR's as well. They are experienced architects and this will provide an 'unvarnished' technical users feedback.

John will ask some of the UMA work group members to participate as well.

Next Meeting

Thursday, August 25th: We will be reviewing the parking lot and roadmap items.

Thursday, Sept. 1st: Review and discuss sample consent receipts. Do we have the right fields? Are there presentation options or recommendations that make sense? Does the draft recommendation make it straightforward for a Bob to design a conformal consent receipt?