2018-04-25 Meeting notes (WG Leads)
2018-04-25 Meeting notes (WG Leads)
David Turner
- Jaap Franke
- Jim Pasquale
- Colin Wallis
- WG work planning
Discussion items
- Table of Contents
- We need to get the TOC posted so we can start collecting practices from more and more organizations
- Parallel work on Regulatory requirements and Practices
- Use interview-style to collect many practices
- Where do we get a list of organizations to interview?
- Use the WG
- Use IAPP; look for advertised use of consent; consent tech;
- Jim task to do followup blog with IAPP - cover a call for interest/participation
- How to get the information?
- use the draft TOC to guide the discussion
- Need to find/construct a simple model for notice and consent around which to ask the questions
- digi.me has a word doc companion for the Consent Access SDK - guidelines on how to ask for consent
- iWelcome to build similar doc including Actors
- sources: look at Canada Privacy Commissioner, UK ICO, Article29 WP guidance, IAPP guidance (Andrew to research)
- Andrew to create Agenda for next week's call
- Micea - unloq.io
- Ken Klingenstein