FIRE WG Committee Work List

FIRE WG Committee Work List

  • Coordinate and raise funds for Phase II, Part II development, and operational use of the IDEF 
    • Current state of Product Development:
    • Raise funding ($15k) for hiring grant writer to explain future work and funding needs
    • Phase II, Part II includes:
      • Operationalize Identity system for IDEF Registry – look at reusing Kantara's system as possibility and also look at

        joint needs going forward as possibility and funding for overall Kantara infrastructure and services to
        support the Registry and IDEF related services.

        • Roles such as Sys Administrator, Developers, Product and Usability
        • Program committee for creation of Reviewer materials and program
        • Concierge role, Certified Reviewer, Company and product IDs, Editor, etc
        • Open ID system as sandboxed by Tom
      • Security and access control system for IDEF Reg and Rating systems
      • Tracking system for users and use of the IDEF Reg
        • Nefarious activity tracking
        • Biz Dev tracking and development (CRM style)
        • Concierge and Reviewer tracking 
      • General review of IDEF Reqs against all systems and materials for compliance 
    • Obtain grant for all three areas for development of product
      • Product Development
      • Program Development
        • Rules engine program development and training
        • Operational development and documentation
        • Establish the criteria for entities to assure that they are a part of, and compliant with, the profile for their industry federation. This may include ways entities' identities are clearly established and attested with each other and with end users.
          • Create rules for federated platforms 
          • Test compliance with the IDEF profile that apply to a particular vertical or supply chain for identity and data.
      • Business Development and Product Market Fit for Adoption
  • Create a sandbox to accelerate development of features, functionality and profiles of the IDEF for these and additional categories: entity will be addressed:
    • User Agents including IDEF Registry scoring system for mobile and desktop use
    • Ecosystem test box for Identity Providers and Relying Parties tools and services
    • Trust Service Providers and others providing a wide variety of services.
    • Internal testing of all IDEF products against the IDEF requirements for compliance 
    • Consumer rating system
    • User Agents including IDEF Registry scoring system for mobile and desktop use
    • Ecosystem test box for Identity Providers and Relying Parties tools and services
    • Trust Service Providers and others providing a wide variety of services.
  • Developing domain-specific profiles to enhance and expand the scope of Kantara certification profiles, including, for example, the following: Verticals such as:
    • Healthcare
    • Financial services
  • Create a sandbox to accelerate development of features, functionality and profiles of the IDEF for these and additional categories: entity will be addressed:
    • Consumer rating system
    • User Agents including IDEF Registry scoring system for mobile and desktop use
    • Ecosystem test box for Identity Providers and Relying Parties tools and services
    • Trust Service Providers and others providing a wide variety of services.
  • Business value propositions for the use by Relying Parties.
  • User agent assured security requirements.
  • Profiles for use of the recommendations as produced by specific vertical industries or applications.
  • including IoT device ecosystems that act on behalf of natural and legal persons, and legal representatives of organizations operating such services.