eGov Meeting Minutes 6 March 2017

eGov Meeting Minutes 6 March 2017

Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Monday, March 6, 2017
  • Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET


  • Andrew Hughes
  • Colin Wallis
  • David Kelts
  • Denny Prvu
  • Keith Uber
  • Rainer Hörbe

This is a quorate call (3 of 5)


  • None


1. Roll call + note taker
2. Approve minutes of previous meeting(s)

3. Vote on Code of Conduct for Relying Parties Report
4. Mappings and comparisons of eGov IDM systems. 
5. Reports from countries and recent conferences, upcoming conferences
6. AOB


1. Roll call + note taker

Rainer is note taker

2. Approve minutes of previous meeting(s)

Previous notes need to be uploaded to the wiki and will be approved next time.

3. Vote on Code of Conduct for Relying Parties Report

Voting on material content to approve CoCo Report version 1. Keith will take care of spelling correction and format finalization and submit it to the LC.

Keith moves, Rainer seconds, no objections.

 4. Mappings and comparisons of eGov IDM systems

Colin reports about some cross-jurisdictional discussions. There are 3 simultaneous ones going in D5, O5 and OECD. However, the meeting cycle is only 6 month.

5. Reports from countries and recent conferences, upcoming conferences

D5 leaders (UK, Estonia, South Korea, NZ, Israel) had a online meeting in Feb. They have an IDM group going on, cutting across TF, IDESG, FICAM, ICAO for digital id (will not work), eIDAS as basis for cross-jurisdictional FIM, (may be useful)

Next steps: Investigate use cases: (1) digital enrollment for business by linking a verified person id to a business and have this trusted across borders. (2) Students going abroad having their home eID trusted abroad.

Colin will approach D5 for formal liaison agreement. Kantara could supply use case material.

Keith: Mobile World Congress Barcelona: eGov on the agenda for GSMA'S Mobile Connect be integrated with eIDAS. MNOs discuss selling eIDs to governments.

Panel discussion at


Colin: discussion with GSMA, getting some traction between GSMA and Kantara. Originally focused on UMA. Need some help in lobbying, there is little progress.


Next Meeting