Action Items Summary
The Action Item (AI) number is the date the AI was assigned, followed by the number allocated to it in the meeting
OBE = Overcome By Events
Action Item | Assigned to | Status | Description | Comments |
2012-08-27 | Colin Wallis | Closed | Manage response to NL eHerkenning public consultation | Documents: See wiki page under working drafts |
2012-08-06 | Rainer Hörbe | Closed | Move SAML 2.0 eGov Interop Profile to FI-WG | |
2012-08-06 | Colin Wallis | Closed | Update charter and submit for ballot to eGov-WG | to reflect repositioning of the WG |
2010-04-12-2 | Colin Wallis | Closed | approach IRB/IOP WG regards completing the 'conformance criteria' sub sections of the eGov SAML Profile V2 |
2010-04-12-1 | Bob Sunday | Closed | Provide use case for authentication failures as input to eGov SAML Profile V2 |
2010-02-01-1 | Colin then Fulup | Closed | Colin to provide Liaison process to Fulup to progress SPOCS liaison | CW to Fulup 16th Feb. Fulup says SPOCS has declined. |
2010-02-01-2 | Colin | Closed | Colin to progress OASIS eGov with the L/C. | LC agreed. Announced March 8th. |
2010-02-01-3 | Colin | Closed | Colin to circulate link to Test Procs still on Liberty site | Complete 2/2/10 |
2010-01-11-01 | Colin W | Closed | Send December (and January) Minutes to the list to get voting participant approval | Colin has also approached voting participants with a consistent record of non attendenace to ask that they consider moving to non voting participant status, to ease this problem in future. |
2010-01-11-02 | Joni B | OBE | Check into JIRA for eGov use | In Progress. Tool installed. Not yet tested. Joni to get advice from Scott on 'optimising for open'.. |
2010-01-11-03 | Colin W | Closed | Initiate finding a room adjacent to RSA conference for BoF/drafting meeting on eGov Profile v2.0 | Email sent to list Tues 12th Jan. No responses yet. |
2010-01-11-04 | Colin W | Closed | Flesh out Portland F2F agenda for eGov based on eGov Profile | No chnages to agenda but try tomove 3pm Thursday slot to earlier time |
2009-12-02-01 | Colin W Joni B | Closed | Propose new (monthly) call time | WG settled on 1st Monday except Jan 2010 (and possibly others as req'd) |
2009-11-04-01 | Colin W | OBE | Analyse IC and Open ID profiles | Call for volunteers to contribute and peer review |
2009-11-04-02 | Joni B | Closed | Follow up possible demo of the Fraunhofer presentation for KI-wide consumption | Fulup to provide Joni with another contact |
2009-11-04-03 | Fulup A F | OBE | Follow up with Gael to get (and share) best link for Orange's new login page | Non customers cannot view plage. Fulup requesting video or screen shots |
2009-11-04-04 | Joni B | Closed | Follow up with Dervla re Villmora, Portugal as possible future F2F location (off season) |
2009-10-07-1 | Colin W | Closed | Expedite Vice/Co-Chair progress | Fulup nominated. Ballot in progress. |
2009-10-07-2 | Colin W | Closed | Work with Kyle/DGI on a schedule for eGov SAML 2.0 Profile V.20 | BoT preparing Interop strategy. DGI |
2009-10-07-3 | Colin W | Closed | Circulate sverre Bauck's problem statement(s) on eProcurement identifiers and attributes in Digital Certificates | With LC for Chair review. Some aspects may be taken on by P3WG. |
2009-10-07-4 | Colin W | Closed | Check if Govt of BC, Canada intending to deploy IC/IMI | Update email circ'd to group 22nd Oct 2009. |
2009-10-07-5 | Scott S | Closed | Approach Drummond Reed of ICF re any known/intended delpoyments | Drummond responded with info on UK and NL govs |
2009-09-16-1 | Soren P | OBE | Reference Danish ID-WSF project as the use case to determine if |
2009-09-16-2 | All | OBE | eGov to develop MRD for an eGov profile of ID-WSF or similar to | Related to AI above. Need to determine demand before start |
2009-09-16-3 | Robin W | Closed | Supply CW the link to the FIDIS Identity Reloution use cases (as a |
2009-09-16-4 | Robin W/ | Closed | Swap contacts for likely participants in each others WGs | Some have been swapped. |
2009-09-15-1 | David T | OBE | GSA agrees to develop a table to identify relationship and gaps | Terry to follow up. [deleted reference to releasing profiles] |
2009-09-15-2 | Colin W | OBE | eGov WG to approach OSIS to ask if interested in entertaining the | OIF JSC has released an RFI for this |
2009-09-15-3 | All | Closed | eGov WG to facilitate commentary on the [ICAM] OID and IC profiles from an international perspective | Initial review done Nov '09. Ongoing SC did one March '10 |
2009-09-15-4 | All | Closed | Provide input to requirements for eGov Profile (SAML 2.0 SSO) V2.0 | Ongoing. Nov/Dec email threads capture some issues, but need agreement on best treatment. |
2009-09-15-5 | Colin W | Closed | Request LC to find a way to have multiple WGs communicate on | LC has formed sub committee to review this. LC agenda altered to allow for X-group sharing at Chair/LC Rep level |