NSTIC DG 2011-07-18

NSTIC DG 2011-07-18


Richard Wilsher (voting)
Colin Soutar (voting)
Myisha Frazier McElveen (voting)
Mark Lizar (voting)
Laurie Tull (voting)
Sal D'Agostino (voting)
Colin Wallis (non-voting)
Dan Combs (voting)
Rich Furr (voting)
Dazza Greenwood (voting)
Ben Wilson (non-voting)


Joni Brennan
Dervla O'Reilly



  • Roll Call - the group met quorum.

Action item review:

  • Review of comments and proposed revisions received for KI’s response to the NSTIC Governance NOI. 
  • ACTION ITEM 20110712-01 Richard Wilsher + Joni : Draft an introductory paragraph; addressing the need for document-wide references for "KI -DG". ACTION COMPLETE.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110712-02 : all participants who have promised changes are asked to do so by 19h UTC Wednesday (13 July). The final document will be closed to changes by EOD Friday 15 July 2011 - complete: input received from participants. Jane Winn provided input and was not in attendance, we will update as best possible. David Wasley's comments were reviewed. ACTION COMPLETE.

Live editorial review:

  • Richard made live updates throughout the document.

2. MOTION to accept and approve the submission report as version 1.0.0

MOTION to accept and approve the submission report as version 1.0.0 in response to National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace Notice of Inquiry.

Motion approved by Richard Wilsher and seconded by Laurie Tull & Richard Furr.

No opposition.

  • ACTION ITEM 20110718-01 Richard Wilsher to send submission report version 1.0.0 to Joni. Joni will then send the report with cover letter to Jeremy Grant by deadline date July 22, 2011.

3. AOB

This meeting fulfilled the purpose for which the DG was initially established, and therefore no further telecons are presently scheduled. Joni B and RGW have determined that the DG is likely to have future usefulness as the NSTIC program progresses and have therefore opted to keep it open. Any member may call a meeting citing a cause and agenda with a minimum 7 calendar days’ notice.
