BCTF-DG Meeting Notes 2011-02-28
BCTF-DG Meeting Notes 2011-02-28
Rainer Hoerbe
Matthew Gardiner
Andrew Hughes
Patrick Curry
Iain Henderson
Anna Ticktin
- Roll Call
- Leadership Nominations
Pending quorum, votes can be held to finalize leadership positions.
- ACTION ITEM 20110228-01 Anna---will send a secret ballot to the list in order to hold a vote on leadership nominations for this discussion group.
- Berlin F2F
BCTF is currently scheduled for 2 working sessions. The official registration page for the F2F event will be circulated shortly.
2. RSA / IdCollaboration Report:
- ACTION ITEM 20110228-02 Anna---to send a doodle poll to the list soliciting interest in attending an adhoc telecom to hear a presentation from Peter Wadkins BC Gov which storyboards TFWs.
3. Progress on TFW projects document:
- Today's members reviewed Global Trust Framework Survey wiki page and accompanying google docs.
- Rainer hopes to convene a Skype session in March to finalize these docs by the end of the month and post them back to the wiki in a Kantara format prior to the F2F in Berlin.
Suggested addition:
- We need an additional list of communities---Who's done what , where?
- Patrick suggests: Colin Wallis, John Bradley, Judy Spencer and 3-4 others would be good resources to reach out to as they have good insight and visibility over projects that should be included on this list.
- ACTION ITEM 20110228-03 Patrick---will solicit feedback on this document/list from Judy Spencer and Steve Howard (Certipath), Dr. Ingo Naumann and Tarvi Martens.
- LOA 1s are not included.
- LOA 3s not overly represented.
- For the purposes of this document, we should error on the side of inclusion and then address those short-falling projects under comments and research.
4. AOB
- None.