2010-Q4 Report - TelCo ID WG
2010-Q4 Report - TelCo ID WG
2010-Q4 Report - TelCo ID WG
Date submitted: 11 Mar 2011
Officer positions:
- Co-Chairs: Jonas Högberg (Ericsson) and Gaël Gourmelen (Orange)
- Editor: Jonas Högberg (Ericsson)
- Total participants: 29
- Voting: 6
- Non-voting: 23
- Total email list subscribers: 40
- Published meeting frequency: telecons every other week
- Teleconferences held this quarter: 5
- Quorate teleconferences: 4
- Physical meetings this quarter: 1
- Quorate physical meetings: 1
- Telco Network APIs state-of-the-art (first draft)
- Cook Book for Massively Scalable IdM systems: definition of the scope of this new work item
Deadlines in the next quarter:
- Expiration of group leadership positions: none
- Deadlines listed in the group charter: none
- Group-imposed deadlines: none
Liaison activity updates:
- none
Other comments:
- none
, multiple selections available,