2010-Q4 Report - User-Managed Access Work Group

2010-Q4 Report - UMA WG

Date submitted: 1 Jan 2011

Officer positions:

  • Chair: Eve Maler (re-elected 12 Aug 2010)
  • Vice-Chair: Maciej Machulak (elected 27 May 2010)
  • Specification Editor: Christian Scholz (elected 10 Jun 2010)
  • Use Cases Editor: Mario Hoffmann (elected 12 Aug 2010)
  • Domenico Catalano, Graphics/UX Editor (elected 14 Jan 2010)
  • Maciej Machulak, Implementation Coordinator (informal)


  • Total participants: 114 (20 more since Q3)
    • Voting: 14 (3 more since Q3)
    • Non-voting: 100 (17 more since Q3)
  • Total email list subscribers: 153 (20 more since 1 Oct 2010)


  • Published meeting frequency: weekly (for whole-group telecons), additional telecons for smaller interest groups
  • Teleconferences held this quarter: 11 (plus additional ad hoc/focus telecons)
    • Quorate teleconferences: 11
  • Physical meetings this quarter: 2
    • Quorate physical meetings: 0


  • Draft specifications produced this quarter: 6 (see Working Drafts area)
    • Revised Scenarios and Use Cases
    • New User Stories
    • Revised Core Protocol
    • New consensus draft of Resource Registration
    • New Scoped Access
    • Revised Trusted Claims proposal
  • Reports produced this quarter: 0
    • (other non-specification deliverables include "golden pitch" slides)

Deadlines in the next quarter:

  • Expiration of group leadership positions: none
  • Deadlines listed in the group charter: lower bound of anticipated group lifetime (18 months) will be reached on 6 Feb 2011
  • Group-imposed deadlines: none

Liaison activity updates:

  • Gave UMA update presentations to P3WG and ITU-T identity summit
  • Participate in IETF OAuth discussions
  • Cross-participate in Info Sharing WG
  • Examining OAuth group's JSON web token work for applicability to UMA's "Claims 2.0"

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