2010-Q2 Report - eGovernment Work Group
Kantara Initiative Work Group & Discussion Group Quarterly Report
Reporting on: 2010 - Q2: Date Submitted: 7-14-2010
Group Name: eGovernment
Filled Officer Positions and Names:
- Chair: Colin Wallis
- Co-Chair:
- Vice-Chair: Fulup Ar Foll
- Secretary:
- Editor: Scott Cantor (for v2 of the eGovernment Implementation Profile of of SAML 2.0)
- ... etc.
Vacant Officer Positions and Names:
- Secretary
What are the current active number of:
- Total Participants: 69 (18 more than Q1 '10)
- Voting Participants: 14 (3 less than Q1 '10)
- Non-Voting Participants: 55 (21 more than Q1 '10)
- Total Email List Subscribers: 78
Published Teleconference Frequency (e.g. weekly, every-other week, etc.): Monthly
Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 4 (+1 brought forward into June to replace July 5th US Holiday)
Number of Quorate Physical Meetings this Quarter: 0
Number of Non-Quorate Physical Meetings this Quarter: 0
Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0
Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 1 (V2 of the eGovernment Implementation Profile of OASIS SAML 2.0)
Deadlines the Group will face in the forthcoming quarter:
- Expiration of Group Leadership (e.g. Chair):
- Deadlines listed in the Group Charter (e.g. duration expiration):
- Group-Imposed Deadlines:
Other Comments:
The eGov WG completed a final draft of the V2 of the eGov Profile of OASIS for SAML 2.0 and produced associated test plan stubs, ready for IOP and IRB to take forward into the conformance program.
There are emerging issues around test applications. eGov requirements have outstripped the test harness supplied by the chosen test vendor. As the tests become ever more detailed, this will impact the work. Budget allocation needs to be set aside for this aspect of the Conformance Program.
Voting and general participation has improved this quarter due to the importance the eGov profile holds with particularly voting members.