2010-Q4 Report - Privacy and Public Policy WG

2010-Q4 Report – Privacy and Public Policy WG

Date submitted: 02 January, 2011

Officer positions:

  • Co-Chairs: Jeff Stollman & Anna Slomovic
  • Secretary: Mark Lizar
  • Editor: NA


  • Total participants: 72
    • Voting: 10
    • Non-voting: 62
  • Total email list subscribers: 72


  • Published meeting frequency: bi-weekly telecons
  • Teleconferences held this quarter: 6 + 2 Privacy Framework meetings
    • Quorate teleconferences: 5
  • Physical meetings this quarter: 0
    • Quorate physical meetings: 0

Deliverables: None

  • Draft specifications produced this quarter: NA
  • Reports produced this quarter: 0

Deadlines in the next quarter: NA

  • Expiration of group leadership positions: NA
  • Deadlines listed in the group charter: none
  • Group-imposed deadlines: NA

Liaison activity updates:

  • Maintained active liaisons with Oasys, IT-UT, and SC-27, as well as hosting presentation from UMA

Other comments:

  • Created Privacy Framework subgroup chartered to craft a Privacy Framework with auditable Service Assessment Criteria in the manner of the IAF. Details of scope remain to be determined by the subgroup with advice and consent from overall work group. This Privacy Framework effort is the primary focus of P3 for 2011. The Privacy Framework effort has also spurred new membership and participation.