2012-Q1 Report - Identity Assurance WG

Date submitted: 15 Apr 2012

Officer positions:

• Chairs:
o Chair: Myisha Frazier-McElveen
o Vice-Chair: Richard Furr
• Secretary: None / Vacant
• Editor: RGW (IAF edits/ SAC restructuring)

Participation: 91
o Voting: 13
o Non-voting: 78

• Total email list subscribers 119

• Published meeting frequency: weekly
• Teleconferences held this quarter: 12

Quorate teleconferences: 08
• Physical meetings this quarter: 0

Quorate physical meetings: 0

• Draft specifications produced this quarter: 0
• Reports produced this quarter: Phase 1 of the IAF updates (post-pilot), will be approved by the IAWG as a draft recommendation before the close of the quarter.

Deadlines in the next quarter:
• Deadlines listed in the group charter: Relying Parties Guidelines still TBD

Liaison activity updates:
• IAWG is is liaising with P3 on the PAC development effort.
• Additionally, a non-voting seat on the ARB has been extended to all standing IAWG chairpersons

Other comments:
• The work group is focused on updating the IAF (in two phases) in order to get the next version before ICAM for approval. This action should extend into Q3 when all is said and done.