2012 Q2 Report - eGov WG

Date submitted: 5 July 2012

Officer positions:

  • Chair: Rainer Hörbe
  • Vice-Chairs: Colin Wallis, Keith Uber
  • Editor: Vacant (Volunteers as required)


  • Total participants: 86
    • Voting: 11
    • Non-voting: 75
  • Total email list subscribers: 98


  • Published meeting frequency: Monthly
  • Teleconferences held this quarter: 3
    • Quorate teleconferences: 3
  • Physical meetings this quarter: 1 (Munich)
    • Quorate physical meetings: 0

Deliverables: (e.g., revised or new; you can optionally list details in sub-bullets)

  • Draft specifications produced this quarter: 0
  • Reports produced this quarter: 0

Deadlines in the next quarter:

  • Expiration of group leadership positions: Leadership expired last Oct
  • Deadlines listed in the group charter: None
  • Group-imposed deadlines: Charter undegoing review and to be approved at Colorado F2F

Liaison activity updates:

  • Engagement with FIWG regarding Collaboration on SAML Profile Management
    • Technical management of eGov 2.0 Implementation Profile to transfer to FIWG, with review process by eGov WG
  • eGov WG following closely developments by the Interoperability Review Board with regard to new test procedures
  • Regular updates from Attribute Management DG

Other comments:

  • New membership invitation letter to government ID policy makers has been drafted and will be sent out in the coming quarter
  • Charter changes reflect a shift away from technical implementation matters to policy focus