2012-Q2 Report - IAWG
2012-Q2 Report - IAWG
2012-Q2 Report - Identity Assurance WG
Date submitted: 29 Apr 2013 (by Heather Flanagan, Kantara Technical Program Coordinator)
Officer positions:
- Chair: Myisha Frazier-McElveen (Deloitte)
- Vice-Chair: Open
- Total participants: 93
- Voting: 8 (as of 30 June 2012)
- Non-voting: 85 (as of 30 June 2012)
- Total email list subscribers: ??
- Published meeting frequency: weekly
- Teleconferences held this quarter: 9
- Quorate teleconferences: 8
- Physical meetings this quarter: 0
- Quorate physical meetings: 8
Deliverables: (e.g., revised or new; you can optionally list details in sub-bullets)
- Draft specifications produced this quarter: IAF documents in 45 day public comment period
- Kantara IAF-1100 Glossary (Kantara IAF-1100-Glossary v2.1)
- Kantara IAF-1300 Assurance Assessment Scheme (Kantara IAF-1300 AAS v2-1)
- Kantara IAF-1400 Service Assessment Criteria (Kantara IAF-1400 SAC v2-1)
- Kantara IAF-1800 Rules for Assurance Assessments (Kantara IAF-1800 RAA v0-1)
Deadlines in the next quarter:
- Expiration of group leadership positions: Vice Chair open
- Deadlines listed in the group charter: n/a
- Group-imposed deadlines: IAF document comment period closes 14 July 2012
Liaison activity updates:
- N/A
Other comments:
- (any free-form comments)
, multiple selections available,