Submitted by Iain Henderson
1. What is the hot topic in your WG or DG this week/month?
Information sharing labels, and the newly joined sub-group/ subject of Open Notice
2. What events are members of your group planning to attend in the next quarter where talking about Kantara might make an impact?
3. What deliverables is your group focusing on next out of your group's charter?
Initial 'alpha' versions of both the standard label, and a minimum viable product for Open Notice (a consent tag), i.e. effectively a receipt delivered back to an information provider on the back of having completed an information transaction.
4. What do you really want to get people excited about to encourage participation in your area?
Both the standard label and open notice are exciting, the minimum viable products for each will show possible new directions around the very broken current model for information sharing online.
, multiple selections available,