2012-Q2 Report - UMA WG


2012-Q2 Report - UMA WG

Date submitted: 1 Jul 2012

Officer positions:

  • Chair: Eve Maler (re-elected 2011-09-22)
  • Vice-Chair: Maciej Machulak (re-elected 2012-05-10)
  • Specification Editor: Thomas Hardjono (elected 2012-04-05)
  • Domenico Catalano, Graphics/UX Editor (re-elected 2011-05-19)
  • Maciej Machulak, Implementation Coordinator (informally appointed 2010-01-21)


  • Total participants: 143 (6 more since Q4)
    • Voting: 10 (same as Q1)
    • Non-voting: 133 (6 more since Q4)
  • Total email list subscribers: 171 (6 fewer since Q1)


  • Published meeting frequency: weekly (for whole-group telecons), additional telecons for smaller interest groups
  • Teleconferences held this quarter: 12 (plus additional ad hoc/focus telecons)
    • Quorate teleconferences: 7
  • Physical meetings this quarter: 2 (EIC Kantara Summit "interop session" and IIW 14 "open meeting"; both were informal)
    • Quorate physical meetings: n/a


  • Draft specifications produced this quarter (see Working Drafts area):
    • Revised Core Protocol spec (currently at rev 05a)
    • Revised FAQ
    • Revised Trust Model spec, now called Binding Obligations on UMA Participants)
  • Progress against goals for 2012-Q2:
    • Continued to work through and collect issues
    • Significantly revised the trust model
    • Gathered new use cases, particularly business-oriented ones
    • Proposed draft interop feature tests
  • Other:
    • The dynamic client registration spec the group had contributed to the IETF has been adopted as a work item in the OAuth WG's next phase

Deadlines in the next quarter:

  • Deadlines listed in the group charter:
    • Group was chartered to operate for 18-24 months; it is currently at 34 months; the group has begun discussing next steps
  • Elected terms expiring:
    • N/A for the next quarter
  • Goals for 2012-Q3:
    • Assess how to complete the "incubation" phase and promote the technical spec work to an SDO
    • Continue interop activities
    • Continue issue resolution activities
    • Support existing and new implementations and support deployment activities
    • Work with liaisons to assess role and next steps of Binding Obligations contractual framework
    • Continue work on business use cases

Liaison activity updates:

  • Met with "legal all-stars" to get trust model feedback
  • Engaged with OAuth group on dyn-client-reg and other UMA-impacting topics
  • Engaged with OpenID Connect technical experts on UMA-impacting topics
  • Engaged with leadership of Kantara and other organizations to discuss UMA futures

Other comments:

  • Paused the tweet chat series in Q2
  • Gave educational talks to the Oracle Community for Security in Italy and to other venues
  • An open-sourced Python-based library called PUMA was released for supporting the development of UMA hosts and requesters
  • Worked with the owner of the OSIS wiki to create an area dedicated to UMA's first interop testing round