2012-Q3 Report - UMA WG

2012-Q3 Report - UMA WG

Date submitted: 1 Oct 2012

Officer positions:

  • Chair: Eve Maler (re-elected 2011-09-22) -- overdue for election
  • Vice-Chair: Maciej Machulak (re-elected 2012-05-10)
  • Specification Editor: Thomas Hardjono (elected 2012-04-05)
  • Domenico Catalano, Graphics/UX Editor (re-elected 2011-05-19)
  • Maciej Machulak, Implementation Coordinator (informally appointed 2010-01-21)


  • Total participants: 149 (6 more since Q2)
    • Voting: 13 (3 more than Q2)
    • Non-voting: 136 (3 more since Q2)
  • Total email list subscribers: 171 (same as Q2)


  • Published meeting frequency: originally weekly; now a monthly all-hands with weekly educational/legal/technical/interop focus meetings in between
  • Teleconferences held this quarter: 7 all-hands (plus at least 4 focus meetings)
    • Quorate teleconferences: 4
  • Physical meetings this quarter: none
    • Quorate physical meetings: n/a


  • Draft specifications produced this quarter (see Working Drafts area):
    • Revised Core Protocol spec (currently at rev 05c, since submitted to IETF as I-D rev 05)
    • Revised FAQ
    • Revised Binding Obligations
    • Revised feature tests for interop testing
  • Progress against goals for 2012-Q3:
    • Continued to work through and collect issues
    • Collected considerable legal input on Binding Obligations
    • Gathered new set of case studies that will track implementation and deployment work
    • Conducted liaison activity with RHex, AXN, XACML, and others
  • Other:
    • Trying to kickstart active spec editing of the dynamic client registration spec that was adopted in the IETF OAuth group
    • Fraunhofer AISEC has open-sourced its implementation
    • Gluu is working on an open-source implementation 

Deadlines in the next quarter:

  • Deadlines listed in the group charter:
    • Group was chartered to operate for 18-24 months
  • Elected terms expiring:
    • Current chair term expired on Sep 22
  • Goals for 2012-Q4:
    • Launch serious interop testing
    • Publish case studies to help implementers and deployers decide whether UMA can help them
    • Conduct a webinar focusing on the higher-education case study
    • Continue to support existing and new implementations and support deployment activities
    • Continue to burn down issues
    • Continue to develop the Binding Obligations
    • Assess the Kantara end-game

Liaison activity updates:

  • See above