ANCR WG 20210217

ANCR WG 20210217

Date and Time


  • Roll
  • IPR
  • Minutes 
  • Agenda Approval
  • Agenda Items Discussion
  • AOB

Agenda Items

Update on current status of Consent Receipt


Roll call

vitor jesus (Unlicensed)

Salvatore D'Agostino (Unlicensed)

Mark Lizar (Unlicensed)

Beatriz Esteves 

Paul Knowles

IRP Policy Announcement

Quorum was 3 of 5

Approve minutes

  • Will wait for updated minutes from 20210203
  • 20210210 minutes
    • Approved Mark moved, Vitor second



We have a starting set of fields based on the CR 1.1. plus the other work done to date on vNext (draft)

  1. Include starting contribution of 1.2 Fields (another sheet)
  2. Field list with 1.1. vs  Next in two columns 
  3. Additional Fields (another sheet in workbook) 
    1. e.g transboarder and delegation fields
    2. termination field
    3. "on behalf"

Presented 2. above side by side see xls in file list File lists & Comments

  1. Revisit the flows; service provider or person perspective.
  2. Reworking spreadsheet

Calendar Update

Permissions on Videos from launch event (yes Beatriz, Paul)

Need to promote work, create blog for Kantara, other page content

WG Roadmap and Workplan

Align with WC3 DPV to develop notice and consent receipt use case in the DPV Primer.

Coordinate with Master Mouse Model (MMM)


MIT Media Law

Also look to submit user case (DPV and legal semantics) for computational law presentation and publication.


End of March informal freeze specification and fields, also determine areas for later work, not included in current specification publication.

Early-Mid April (draft for ISO consideration during next comment period)

End of April draft for circulation 

End of May consolidate comments

End of June publication

Need to coordinate (and determine) ISO 27560 comments and drafts schedule with that of the workgroup.

Determine any resources we need to support the workgroup and specification publication.

Discussion of election process, desire to have WG leadership roles apart from Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Editor. Open to adding these as the opportunity arises.

As of 17 February Quorum is 3 of 5.


Salvatore D'Agostino (Unlicensed) Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) vitor jesus (Unlicensed) Jan Lindquist Yang Lu