ANCR WG 20210414
ANCR WG 20210414
Date and Time
- Wednesday 10:30 EST
- Screenshare and dial-in:
United States: +1 (224) 501-3316, Access Code: 485-071-053 (confirm or change)
- See ANCR calendar for additional details: https://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WA/Calendar
- Roll
- Minutes Approval
- Agenda Approval
- Intros
- Agenda Items Discussion
- Actions pending
- Actions new
- Updates from the consent community
Roll call
Quorate: yes
Sal, Jan, Paul, Mark
IRP Policy Announcement
Approve Minutes
Moved, approved
Discussion of the difference between human centric approaches vs. technical centric approaches that typically only consider enterprise risk.
Need to describe privacy framework, privacy agreement and how this relates and constrast with current privacy policy.
Receipt is a notice (do we agree). → the anchor receipt → the part of a receipt that is common across use cases.
Privacy promise....
- :Review receipt fields (uploaded) -> test against:
- transborder requirements
- delegation
- outsourced receipts ("store")
- legally covering GDPR and other potential laws/acts/regulations
- can we pair receipts for active state
- Updating language on our part is an important next step.
- Review framework
- May 4th workshop
- IIW presentation
, multiple selections available,