ANCR WG 20210303

Date and Time


  • Roll
  • IPR
  • Minutes  Approval 
  • Agenda Approval
  • New attendee intros
  • Agenda Items Discussion
    • Actions pending
    • Actions new
  • Updates from the consent community
  • AOB


Roll call

Salvatore D'Agostino (Unlicensed)

vitor jesus (Unlicensed)

Mark Lizar (Unlicensed)

PeterD (Deactivated)an Lundquist

IRP Policy Announcement

Quorum was 4 of 5

Approve minutes

  • Will wait for updated minutes from 20210203
  • 20210224 Mintues accepted


We will proceed with small, bite size chunks of the deltas from 1.1 with regards to the structure of the core receipt.

Header is the notice component w/controller identity

Legal justifiction then follows from there.

Consent notice receipt represents the base max schema, which is the goals for Vnext of the consent receipt.

Extension follow for example by receipt type, interest notice, and/or contract notice.


Narrative for the effort of the WG.

Delta 1.1.

Open issues

Admin Workflow and Resources

Blog Post

  • Workgroup up and running
  • Formalize work plan
  • Expand group participation, open to all
    • Presentations from abcd to WG
    • Presented work to DIACC
    • OpenID Paper Submission (Harsh lead)
  • ISO input

Review of receipt fields. Everyone should review spreadsheet which is in the files folder 

Work Plan (draft)

End of March informal freeze specification and fields, also determine areas for later work, not included in current specification publication.

Early-Mid April (draft for ISO consideration during next comment period)

End of April draft for circulation 

End of May consolidate comments

End of June publication

Need to coordinate (and determine) ISO 27560 comments and drafts schedule with that of the workgroup.

Determine any resources we need to support the workgroup and specification publication.

Discussion of election process, desire to have WG leadership roles apart from Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Editor. Open to adding these as the opportunity arises.

As of 17 February Quorum is 3 of 5.