ANCR WG 20210714

ANCR WG 20210714

Look at Google  Invite and see if we can remove that from the agenda.







Paul Knowles


IP Notice

Agenda Bashed

Good idea, PAECG, reuse some of the idea, 

Cookie banners are oppressing.. extending existing banner, online use case for capturing cookies, means of bypassing and peer to peer.

Added to the framework Consent Records for Dynamic Web-based Scenarios 

Write up use case, in the fact that the use case 

Web site cookie use case, basic wordpress..

Cookies are a digital identity system that are not compliant with privacy laws Mexico, Canada, US localization and GDPR..

Well know challenge for terms and conditions, how to you oversee them

Is there a web site, terms and conditions, e.g. wordpress.

Capture cookies for what purpose maybe in concert with browser.

1st object is record created by data subject for which a receipt can be created, and at that point signed, possibly by the notary, with verified credentials and claims.

Make the flows based on the anchor record.

Here is a new framework where people can make records and receipts.

Has to have identity of data controller, verified organization plus accountable person.

Need to keep at the framework to nail down the semantics of this conversation.

ANCR notice record and consent receipts fields.

Protocol generates scopes for protocol to manage resources as well as a set of controls for governance.

Reduce the identifier risk by lowering the identifier requirements vs. verified claims and verified companies (w/verified governance.. ) 

Layered Approach in OSI and ToIP

Possibility of including BIT in 27560, needs to be directly in support of the document.

Profile with legal rights enumerated in a receipt (could link to web use case).

Test that fits into text is best thing, other stuff gets rejected.

Don't want to weaken privacy by the use of receipts.

ANCR presents legal use case for technical implementation in an identity management system, and that is the purpose of record and receipt, and make is operational for people.

  1. Contribution of Protocol to Workgroup -Notice of Control for Online Purposes and Signalling
    1. Inclusive of  2FC
      1. Ist
      2. Existing and linked to first and its notice of the grant
    2. Includes (gateway) Network facilitator
    3. The flow of a person making a receipt
    4. The flow is of a consent grant
    5. Results in an Anchor Receipt
      1. Legal Use Case 
    6. Record and Receipt Flow for a Use Grant

What are the use cases, rights as access control token, right to erasure, data in portability format... enumerated rights, e.g. privacy information rights (what information is required), e.g. notice of controller

Brainstorming idea where receipts empower and enable

PAE Protocol contrbution helps to keep this Open, and the related control set, (extension of 29184)