ANCR WG 20230426

ANCR WG 20230426

What is the public identity management infrastructure, PII Notice Controller Credential (consent receipt v2) and associated TPIs are a good starting point.

This is how you measure your identity system

RP is regulated/conforming/assured/trust infrastructure

Transparency and Trust of RP

So that subject can then issue a consent token (micro-credential) ← AuthC

What goes in the wallet. is enterprise, built on top now, as opposed to built in before you get to the enterprise (reduces their idm overhead).

International registry of controllers to establish their legitimacy

Co-regulatory PII NCC

Public infrastructure.. 0 level, Trust Frameworks takes it up levels, e.g. PCTF or NIST

TPI client side

Credential enterprise side

Program of work for call, schedule for year and planning out on these calls.

PII Notice Controller Credential

Technical call off-cycle to produce that.

Admin support for publishing the credential

Planning call off-cycle for specific to maintain roadmap.


DTL facilitated event, for 24 May

Workshop - Toward a Digital Privacy Magna Carta

  • Universal Digital Transparency & Consent Signalling - DTL

  • Latest in Consent Receipt Technology - ANCR bring back the CR better

  • PII Notice Controller Credential

    • Controller Code of Practice